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Report on the Training course in small fishing boat construction. Freetown, Sierra Leone, 24 September - 14 December 1979

FAO. Report on the Training course in small fishing boat construction. Freetown, Sierra Leone, 24 September - 14 December 1979 FAO, Rome. 1980. 35p.

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    Second FAO/Swedish training centre on small fishing boat design and construction. Entebbe, Uganda, 11 January - 6 March 1971. 1972
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    This document is the Report of the Second FAO/Swedish Training Centre on Small Fishing Boat Design and Construction, which was held at Entebbe, Uganda, from 11 January to 6 March 1971, sponsored by the Swedish International Development Authority. The Training Centre consisted of a Boatbuilding Course and a Seminar for Fisheries Officers. In the Boatbuilding Course 20 boatbuilders from Kenya (6), Tanzania (6), Uganda (7) and Malawi (1) were trained in low-cost construction techniques in wood and ferro-cement. The emphasis was on practical boatbuilding. Two wooden boats were completed and launched: a 9.3 m boat based on the lines of the traditional canoe, adapted for outboard motor propulsion, and a 7.5 m boat with an 8 hp inboards diesel engine. The hull of a 12.6 m trawler built of ferro-cement was constructed up to the stage of engine installation and decking. The Uganda Fisheries Department was in charge of completion of this boat and covered the cost of the engine. The boat was launched at the end of January 1972 and has completed successful trials. Two similar boats will be built for an FAO/DANIDA Fishermen’s Training Centre. The Seminar for Fisheries Officers was held at the Fisheries Training Institute, Entebbe, 22-27 February 1971 with 37 participants from Kenya, Nigeria, Sudan, Uganda, FAO and industry. Eighteen papers on various aspects of fishing boat development in the Lake Victoria region were presented and will be published separately together with th e recorded discussions. The importance of the traditional boatbuilder was stressed in papers and during the discussion, as eas the necessity of integrating boatbuilding training in a master plan for the introduction of new boat types, provision of credit and fishermen’s training.
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    Second FAO/Swedish training centre on small fishing boat design and construction. Entebbe, Uganda, 22-27 February 1971. 1972
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    This document is the Report on the working papers and discussions presented at the Seminar for Fisheries Officers, which was held at Entebbe, Uganda, 22-27 February 1971 in connection with the Second FAO/Swedish Training Centre on Small Fishing Boat Design and Construction, from 11 February to 6 March 1971, sponsored by the Swedish International Development Authority. The Seminar for Fisheries Officers was held at the Fisheries Training Institute, Entebbe, with 37 participants from Kenya, Nige ria, Sudan, Uganda, FAO and Industry. The objective was to bring together fishery Officers and people from the industry on a regional basis, to discuss mutual problems in small boat development and mechanization. Eighteen papers on various aspects of fishing boat development in the Lake Victoria region were presented. The discussions were recorded. The presented edited version of the working papers and discussion contains sixteen papers under these headings: - Session I Economic and soci al factors in boat development - Session II Materials for boat construction - Session III Engines for small fishing craft - Session IV Boatyards and boatbuilding - Section V Financing boat development - Session VI Future development
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