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Future Economic Outlook for Aquaculture and Related Assistance Needs

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    Report of the Expert Meeting to Identify the Needs for a Subsidiary Body on the Technical and Socio-economic Aspects of Aquaculture in the Mediterranean. Santiago de Compostela, Spain, 2–3 June 2006. 2007
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    The Expert Meeting to Identify the Needs for a Subsidiary Body on the Technical and Socio-economic Aspects of Aquaculture in the Mediterranean was held in Santiago de Compostela, Spain, from 2 to 3 June 2006. It was attended by eight experts from the region. The meeting was organized as a result of a process, comprising an external evaluation of the Committee on Aquaculture (CAQ) and its Networks, in 2004, and the endorsement by the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM) at it s thirtieth session (January 2006) of a meeting of experts to identify the needs for a GFCM subsidiary body of CAQ which would deal with the socio-economic and technical aspects of aquaculture in the Mediterranean. The experts defined the terms of reference, priorities and modus operandi of such a subsidiary body. They also requested the fifth session of CAQ a) to endorse the establishment of the Coordinating Steering Group on Technical, Economic and Social Aspects of Aquaculture in the Mediterr anean (TESAM) and the ad hoc working groups proposed, b) to present results to the Commission at its forthcoming session, c) to review and redefine the objectives and terms of reference of the GFCM CAQ in order to reflect more precisely the socio-economic and technical issues that CAQ should handle for the Commission, d) to explore the possibility of a merger of the Environment and Aquaculture in the Mediterranean Network (EAM) and TESAM, to ensure a lighter cost-effective and efficient structur e for CAQ subsidiary bodies, and e) to instruct the Information System for the Promotion of Aquaculture in the Mediterranean (SIPAM) to start collecting more socio-economic, technical and research-related data and information to facilitate the work of TESAM. The meeting of experts was informed of the findings and recommendations of the Workshop on European Seabass and Gilthead Seabream Markets, that was held in Rome on 12 May 2006. Many of the recommendations from the workshop were translated in to activities to be carried out by the ad hoc Working Group on Marketing as proposed by the Expert Meeting.
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    Report of the Workshop on the Promotion of Sustainable Commercial Aquaculture in Zambia and Malawi. Lusaka, Zambia, 2–4 October 2002. 2004
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    A Workshop on the Promotion of Sustainable Commercial Aquaculture in Zambia and Zimbabwe was organized in Lusaka, Zambia, from 2 to 4 October 2002 in recognition of the potential role of commercial aquaculture to achieve poverty alleviation and food security through economic growth and employment creation in the region. The main recommendations from the Workshop to the governments of both countries included the need for preparing clear national policies for commercial aquaculture development, promoting start-up aquaculture and allied industries, defining clear models for economic and financial viability assessments to be applied by funding institutions, facilitating borrowing for commercial operations, disseminating research findings to farmers and information sharing at all levels of aquaculture development, as well as awareness-raising among customers on aquaculture products to increase demand for fish. The role and support of FAO in facilitating the development of commercial aquac ulture was solicited for assisting governments of Zambia and Zimbabwe in strengthening national fish farmers’ associations and regional networks, increasing awareness on the potential of aquaculture for economic growth, establishing national training and information resource centres and identifying the necessary attributes for Zambia and Zimbabwe to export aquaculture products to the European Union. FAO was also requested to urgently document funding sources and mechanisms in place throughout su b-Saharan Africa and monitor commercial aquaculture development to contribute to the dissemination of information and lessons learnt from all commercial aquaculture initiatives.
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    Aquaculture needs assessment mission report. Nairobi, Kenya
    GCP/RAF/466/EC SmartFish Project
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    The Aquaculture Needs Assessment of Kenya was jointly organized by the Government of Kenya and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), under the framework of the project GCP/RAF/466/EC “Implementation of a Regional Fisheries Strategy for the Eastern and Southern Africa and Indian Ocean Region”, otherwise known as SmartFish. SmartFish is funded by the European Union (EU) through the Indian Ocean Commission (IOC) and co-implemented by the FAO. The needs assessment is one of the activities being implemented under Result 5M3.1 Sustainable Aquaculture Development Promotion, which responds to African countries’ desire to contribute their efforts to transform aquaculture from a non-viable, subsistence and public sector driven economy, to a resourceful, vibrant, private sector led sustainable enterprise. The needs assessment was carried out at specific sites in the western part of the country. The study involved: a desk review for the purpose of having background inf ormation about the sector; the site selection of study areas for the mission; the development of assessment tools and approach, ensuring FAO approval for their use; the execution of field assessments in the selected sites; and the production of this report. This report outlines the training needs and a training delivery plan; legal registration and networking recommendations; input requirements; as well as a distribution plan and costing. The desk review was done in the last week of June 2013. A field mission in Western Kenya was conducted over three weeks in August 2013. Report writing took three weeks in September 2013. The report was submitted in the third week of October 2013. Training of fish farmer groups, and provision of equipment and inputs to these groups, is scheduled for January and February 2014. This needs assessment focused on training and inputs, such as equipment and materials that are required by fish farmer groups. The assessment took place with fish farmer groups in Kisii, Kakamega, Homa Bay, Vihiga, Siaya, and Busia counties in Western Kenya. The training modules identified include: Best Management Practices (BMPs); group cohesion and development; aqua-business skills; marketing; record and book keeping; and efficient production technologies. Equipment needs include: deep freezers; sampling and harvesting nets; secchi disks; cool boxes; harvesting baskets; hapa nets; and weighing scales. From the study it is anticipated that the end point of the selected beneficiary clusters should be stand-alone, self-sufficient market structures that offer investors the best prices for inputs and products. It is also anticipated that once this end point is reached, the fish farm clusters should serve as the nuclei in an effort to expand market clusters to other small and medium enterprise investors across the country, and the region at large. The purpose was to assess the needs for aquaculture production and marketing in selected fish farmer organizations, so as to guide the support and investment choices for enhancement for sustainable aquaculture productivity and profitability in Western Kenya.  5 Recommendations include the following:  The groups to benefit from capacity building and provision of equipment include: Central Kakamega Aquaculture Cooperative; Muungano Fish Farmers (Bidii Fish Farmers and Yala Fish Farmers Cluster); Tilapia Fish Farmers Group; Wangchieng Fish Farmers Cluster; and the Butula Fish Farmers Cooperative;  The groups s hould be strengthened through training on group cohesion and market linkages;  Documentation of the work in the form of a video documentary should be undertaken to serve as a training tool. The aim is to develop long-term market linkages that optimize profits for group members.

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