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Planning and Engineering Data. 1. Fresh Fish Handling

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    Book (series)
    Planning and engineering data 1984
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    Fish freezing is one of the methods most used for processing fish and other edible aquatic products. Fish-freezing. industry and frozen fish products are very well known on all world markets. A flourishing fish-freezing industry (shrimp, lobster, etc.) in many developing countries was a boom during the last 10 years with wide possibilities for increasing production and export which, in many countries, is the main source of foreign currency. This document is published for planning, elaborati on of feasibility studies, operations of fish processing before freezing, during freezing, storing and transporting of frozen products. This document will provide the industry, especially in developing countries, with a practical up-to-date data of a technical and economic nature. It should be also suitable for use in governmental offices, specialized schools (training courses), etc. Main subjects covered concern raw material and its preparation for freezing, source of cold, processing equipment , packaging material, storage conditions and equipment, management of cold stores, construction of cold stores, transportation, as well as costing and case studies. It also includes diagrams, schemes, figures, tables and numerical data related to the subject.
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    Book (series)
    Planning and engineering data. 2. Fish Canning 1985
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    Fish canning is a method for industrial processing of raw fish and other edible aquatic products which, in a way, enables to keep the final product suitable for consumption at ambient temperatures over a longer period of time than any other commercial fish processing would do. This facilitates and consequently makes less expensive not only storage but also transport and other aspects of distribution of fishery products. On the other hand fish canning is a sophisticated and relatively expensive m ethod of commercial fish processing. The cost of fish canning under given local conditions depends on many factors such as, e.g., regular supply of reasonably priced raw material throughout a substantial part of the year, availability and cost of relatively sophisticated packaging material, availability, skill and cost of labour, cost of rather complex facilities, equipment, energy, services, etc. About 9 percent of world-wide harvested fishery products end up into canned products. This docume nt will provide the industry, especially in developing countries, with practical up-to-date data of technical and economic nature. It is published to assist the government offices as well as others involved in planning, elaboration of feasibility studies, or considering investments into fish canning industry. It should be also suitable as a training aid for specialized schools and training courses.The main subjects covered concern the food canning principles, raw materials suitable for canned fi sh products, the major products, canning techniques in general and specifically for tuna species, sardines and sardine-like fish, salmon, minced fish and shrimp. It also covers fish canning equipment, by-products, packaging and storage of canned products as well as services, labour and construction works required. Finally it gives cost information and indicates selected published material where more details can be found. It includes diagrams, layouts, flowsheets, figures and tables related to th e subject.
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    India - A chilled seawater (CSW) system for fishing and carrier vessels engaged in the small pelagic species fishery of southwest India. A report prepared for the pelagic fishery investigation on the southwest coast - phase II - project. Field document 1
    Pelagic Fishery Investigation on the South-West Coast, India, IND/75/038
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    Chilled seawater systems are a comparatively recent innovation. The Consultant was familiar with progress made on the Pacific coast of Canada where the development of systems for salmon and herring transport and storage has been intensive and CSW systems are now the most common method for short-term preservation of fish. Several attempts were made to introduce the handling of sardine and mackerel in shallow plastic boxes, which is the standard procedure in the Mediterranean sardine industry, and quality results were excellent. This method of handling did not, howeve~ prove practical for commercial use since the fishermen are used to handling in bulk and on deck. Moreover, refrigerated seawater systems were unfeasible not only as the capital cost was prohibitive for installation in the small vessels (30-45 ft), but also because they presented technical problems of maintenance and operation beyond the capabilities of the fishermen. Thus, it appeared that a chilled seawater system would i deally suit the present conditions of the growing purse seine industry of southwest India

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