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DocumentScielo articles available to the agricultural community using OAI-PMH in AGRIS AP XML Format 2008
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No results found.This article reports a new way of getting access to SciELO full text journal articles using AGRIS AP XML format to harvest SciELO metadata and to include them into the AGRIS repository. It covers the following main steps of the work carried out: • Selecting about 43 journals with agricultural thematic from the Web site of SciELO; • Defining the methodology for harvesting; • Harvesting legacy data and then doing incremental harvesting for the new data from the selected SciELO journal articles for inclusion in the AGRIS XML repository; • Inclusion of SciELO articles and open access to them through the AGRIS search portal at • Testing and proposals for improvement and future use of this feature. We share the methodology used, problems encountered, and the expected benefit. This work proves that semantically rich metadata for agricultural science and research publications based on the “AGRIS Applic ation Profile” from the SciELO repository can be handled by the OAI-PMH protocol. It shows how the selected subset of metadata created with an ISIS application can be harvested through OAI-PMH protocol, which in turn allows for further creation of additional services by giving greater access and visibility to SciELO data in the new AGRIS AP format compared to the used DC format. The strategy that we adopted was to adapt BIREME’s OAI-PMH plug-in for direct generating of AGRIS AP XML fro m the SciELO application. The existing BIREME OAI-PMH plug-in interface was upgraded to accept and expose metadata using AGRIS AP in addition to the existing DC schema. This approach was elegant but required more time for realization and implementation by BIREME and FAO staff. -
Book (stand-alone)Generating AGRIS AP XML from local databases 2005This document provides detailed technical information for converting bibliographic data from local databases into valid AGRIS DTD compliant XML records. The process that is to be carried out is, to some extent, complex. However, the result will benefit the Institutions and Centres that produce bibliographic data of agricultural content, in the conversion to XML data that can be disseminated to and harvested by the AGRIS XML repository. The XML repository is aggregated, maintained, organized and made available via the Internet. The main purpose of this guide is to facilitate the conversion process thorough step-by-step instructions and to provide a list of common pitfalls.
Book (stand-alone)The AGRIS Centre at Kasetsart University: Implementing the new vision 2005
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No results found.AGRIS, the international information system for the agricultural sciences and technology, was established by FAO over 30 years ago as an international initiative to build a common information system for science and technology in agriculture and related subjects based on a collaborative network of institutions. To date, 240 national, international and intergovernmental centres participate. Thailand was quick to become an active partner in the AGRIS network, with the Thai National AGRIS Centre cel ebrating its 25th anniversary in 2005. Capitalizing on new advancements made in communication technologies in the 1990s, a "new vision for AGRIS" was developed which allowed for decentralization, strengthened capacity building, emphasis on full text documents and use of web-enabled tools with a focus on the establishment of standards for effective exchange and retrieval of information. One of the first institutions to take up the new vision was the Thai National AGRIS Centre. This report describes the work and experiences of the Thai national AGRIS Centre in adopting the new AGRIS strategy, with the intention that it may serve as a useful reference for other organizations seeking to do the same.
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