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Utilization of Bycatches in Low-Value Fish in India

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    A Study of the Options for Utilization of Bycatch and Discards from marine capture Fisheries 1997
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    Fish are discarded for various reasons at sea, representing a waste of fishery resources and potential food. Although the exact quantities wasted might be disputed, the amount of fish wasted through discarding is large. One of the options that is apparent for overcoming the problems of discards in fisheries is that more of the fish should be used for human consumption, assuming that it is consistent with responsible fisheries management practices. This would not only overcome the apparent was te of resources but would also add more valuable fish protein to the food balance of many people. This paper brings together information, on the species and where possible the quantities of fish that are presently discarded. Information on attempts and trends that have been and are being made to make use of these potential discards are used to illustrate the successes and failures which might help to guide further efforts in fuller utilisation of the fish resources. It is apparent that more s ystematic information is required regarding the quantity and composition of discards in many fisheries. It also seems from past experience that successful use of bycatch is usually market lead and that efforts should continue to assist in identifying suitable marketing and product development opportunities where appropriate.The FAO Fisheries Circular is a vehicle for the distribution of short or ephemeral notes, lists, etc., including provisional versions of documents to be issued later in othe r series.

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