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Brochure, flyer, fact-sheetGFCM lex. GFCM Baza e të dhënave rajonale e legjislacionit kombëtar 2020Qëllimi i kësaj fletëpalosje është t'i japë dukshmëri GFCMLEX, një baze të dhënash elektronike rajonale që përfshin legjislacionin kombëtar për ruajtjen e ekosistemeve dhe burimeve të gjalla detare në fushën e aplikimit të GFCM. Fletëpalosja ofron disa informacione thelbësore siç është përshkrimi i mjetit, objektivat e tij, përdorimi dhe përfitimet.
Brochure, flyer, fact-sheetGFCM-Lex - La base de données régionale CGPM des législations nationales 2020Cette brochure présente la GFCM Lex, une base de données électronique régionale qui rassemble les textes de lois nationaux relatifs à la conservation des ressources biologiques et des écosystèmes marins dans la zone d’application de la Commission générale des pêches pour la Méditerranée (CGPM).
No Thumbnail AvailableProjectRegional Workshop on the Conservation and Sustainable Management of Coral Reefs 1997
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No results found.The Regional Workshop convened by M S Swaminathan Research Foundation in collaboration with the Bay of Bengal Programme of FAO (BOBP) is designed to address these issues and to develop an action plan for saving the remaining coral reefs in the SAARC region. Since its establishment in 1989, M S S R F has given priority attention to the conservation and sustainable use of Coastal Mangrove ecosystems. In many areas, Mangroves, sea grass meadows and coral reefs constitute an integrated ecosystem. Th e Gulf of Mannar Biosphere Reserve represents one such integrated ecosystem. Currently, a detailed action plan is being prepared with assistance from the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and the UN Development Programme (UNDP) for preserving for posterity the biological wealth of the Gulf of Mannar region. -
Brochure, flyer, fact-sheetGFCM lex. GFCM Baza e të dhënave rajonale e legjislacionit kombëtar 2020Qëllimi i kësaj fletëpalosje është t'i japë dukshmëri GFCMLEX, një baze të dhënash elektronike rajonale që përfshin legjislacionin kombëtar për ruajtjen e ekosistemeve dhe burimeve të gjalla detare në fushën e aplikimit të GFCM. Fletëpalosja ofron disa informacione thelbësore siç është përshkrimi i mjetit, objektivat e tij, përdorimi dhe përfitimet.
Brochure, flyer, fact-sheetGFCM-Lex - La base de données régionale CGPM des législations nationales 2020Cette brochure présente la GFCM Lex, une base de données électronique régionale qui rassemble les textes de lois nationaux relatifs à la conservation des ressources biologiques et des écosystèmes marins dans la zone d’application de la Commission générale des pêches pour la Méditerranée (CGPM).
No Thumbnail AvailableProjectRegional Workshop on the Conservation and Sustainable Management of Coral Reefs 1997
Also available in:
No results found.The Regional Workshop convened by M S Swaminathan Research Foundation in collaboration with the Bay of Bengal Programme of FAO (BOBP) is designed to address these issues and to develop an action plan for saving the remaining coral reefs in the SAARC region. Since its establishment in 1989, M S S R F has given priority attention to the conservation and sustainable use of Coastal Mangrove ecosystems. In many areas, Mangroves, sea grass meadows and coral reefs constitute an integrated ecosystem. Th e Gulf of Mannar Biosphere Reserve represents one such integrated ecosystem. Currently, a detailed action plan is being prepared with assistance from the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and the UN Development Programme (UNDP) for preserving for posterity the biological wealth of the Gulf of Mannar region. -
Brochure, flyer, fact-sheetGFCM lex. GFCM Baza e të dhënave rajonale e legjislacionit kombëtar 2020Qëllimi i kësaj fletëpalosje është t'i japë dukshmëri GFCMLEX, një baze të dhënash elektronike rajonale që përfshin legjislacionin kombëtar për ruajtjen e ekosistemeve dhe burimeve të gjalla detare në fushën e aplikimit të GFCM. Fletëpalosja ofron disa informacione thelbësore siç është përshkrimi i mjetit, objektivat e tij, përdorimi dhe përfitimet.
Brochure, flyer, fact-sheetGFCM-Lex - La base de données régionale CGPM des législations nationales 2020Cette brochure présente la GFCM Lex, une base de données électronique régionale qui rassemble les textes de lois nationaux relatifs à la conservation des ressources biologiques et des écosystèmes marins dans la zone d’application de la Commission générale des pêches pour la Méditerranée (CGPM).
No Thumbnail AvailableProjectRegional Workshop on the Conservation and Sustainable Management of Coral Reefs 1997
Also available in:
No results found.The Regional Workshop convened by M S Swaminathan Research Foundation in collaboration with the Bay of Bengal Programme of FAO (BOBP) is designed to address these issues and to develop an action plan for saving the remaining coral reefs in the SAARC region. Since its establishment in 1989, M S S R F has given priority attention to the conservation and sustainable use of Coastal Mangrove ecosystems. In many areas, Mangroves, sea grass meadows and coral reefs constitute an integrated ecosystem. Th e Gulf of Mannar Biosphere Reserve represents one such integrated ecosystem. Currently, a detailed action plan is being prepared with assistance from the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and the UN Development Programme (UNDP) for preserving for posterity the biological wealth of the Gulf of Mannar region.
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