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Rural women in Sri Lanka's post-conflict rural economy

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    Book (stand-alone)
    Rural women and food security in Asia and the Pacific: Prospects and paradoxes 2005
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    Asian and Pacific farmers, both men and women, are guardians of biodiversity, household food security and providers of food to urban communities. In these small farm enterprises distinct gender roles and gender differentiated access to technology and resources are evident. This disparity is compounded by the neglect of investment in rural social infrastructures such as education, health care and communications. In such resource poor rural environments, the struggle by rural women for access to r esources and services is inevitable. In many Asian and Pacific countries, substantial gender equality gains have been made in urban areas in education, health and employment. Yet rural women lag behind. Moreover, rural women’s work is multifaceted and demanding both as family workers and agricultural labourers. Social and economic indicators often do not do justice to their contributions. Development innovations such as microcredit and self-help groups promote rural women’s economic develop ment, but emerging evidence suggests that gender equality in rural communities is far from an everyday reality. Persisting social biases and traditional perceptions and assumptions regarding women’s responsibilities and their capacities continue to hamper women’s progress. This publication presents an overview of both the substantial contribution made by rural women to the economies in the region and the persisting barriers to their advancement, and aims to make rural women visible to polic y-makers and to advocate their concerns to stakeholders. The framework of analysis, data and information reviewed together illustrate the complexity of rural women’s work in the region and offer a broad perspective on women’s economic and social contribution as well as on the barriers they encounter in accessing resources.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Country Gender Assessment of the agriculture and the rural sector in Sri Lanka 2018
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    The Country Gender Assessment of the Agriculture and Rural sectors of Sri Lanka has been commissioned by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) as a requirement to inform the next long term plan of assistance to Sri Lanka and to influence salient policies and programmes implemented in the agriculture and rural sectors of the country. It places an emphasis on gender disparities in access to critical agriculture and rural resources, knowledge, opportunities and markets. The Assessment included a comprehensive desk review and a gap analysis, field work which included Focus Group Discussions (FGDs), Key Informant Interviews and Observations. The dearth of concrete gender disaggregated information to determine gender gaps in sectors related to agriculture and rural dynamics represents the main limitation of the assessment.

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