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No Thumbnail AvailableProjectAquaculture development and coordination programme. Aquaculture development in China. Report on an FAO/UNDP aquaculture study tour to the People's Republic of China, 2 May - 1 June 1978 1979
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No results found.The organization and practices followed in Chinese aquaculture are described in this report which includes: 1) planning, organization and management of aquaculture; 2) financing and credit; 3) fish culture practices; 4) integrated farming of fish, crop and livestock; 5) fish cultivation in natural lakes and reservoirs; 6) fish farming in rivers; 7) marine aquaculture; 8) marketing; 9) education and training; 10) fisheries research. Recommendations by the study tour deal with the possibilities of applying Chinese aquaculture methods in other developing countries -
No Thumbnail AvailableBook (stand-alone)A Review of Aquaculture Extension Services in Bangladesh 1997
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No results found.Bangladesh, a country of 143,999 km2 and with a population of about 130 million people, lies in the northeastern part of Southeast Asia. The flat delta is traversed by a network of 230 rivers; their tributaries flood most of the country during the monsoon season (June-September). It is a country of fish-eating people with very diverse and rich fish farms. It has vast water resources. The fisheries consists of inland capture, marine capture and inland aquaculture. Aquaculture production of 2 64,190 mt represents about 24 percent of the total fisheries production of over 1.0 million mt (1993-94). During the last decade, aquaculture production has increased by over 100 percent. The fisheries sector is very important to the national economy as it generates over US$300 million in foreign exchange, mainly through export of cultured shrimp, in addition to its contribution to national food security. The aquaculture sub-sector has very good potential for further development. -
No Thumbnail AvailableProjectStrengthening Rural Pond Fish Culture Extension Services - End of assignement report 1995
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