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Integration of Fisheries into coastal area management.

FAO Fishery Development Planning Service, Fisheries Department.Integration of fisheries into coastal area management.FAO Technical Guidelines for Responsible Fisheries. No. 3. Rome, FAO. 1996. 17p.

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    Guidelines on the collection of demographic and socio-economic information on fishing communities for use in coastal and aquatic resources management 2004
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    Article 10 of the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries (CCRF) sets out principles and standards for the integration of fisheries in coastal management. Article 10.2.4 of the CCRF states: “States, in accordance with their capacities, should establish or promote the establishment of systems to monitor the coastal environment as part of the coastal management process using physical, chemical, biological, economic and social parameters. “The guidelines presented in Part 1 of this Fisheries Technical Paper attempt to identify empirically verifiable key indicators for the identification of socio-economic and demographic issues, problems and opportunities in coastal and aquatic resources management and for monitoring the impact of management measures on the socio-economic well-being of coastal and fishing communities. The guidelines also identify data sources and methods for the collection of data. Part 2 contains a summary of the proceedings and recommendations of the Regional Workshop on the Use of Demographic Data in Fisheries and Coastal Development and Management in the Philippines and other Southeast and South Asian Countries held at the University of the Philippines in the Visayas, Miag-ao, Iloilo, Philippines from 18 to 21 March 2002, as well as selected papers from the workshop. In Part 3, two case studies, one from the United States of America and the other from Italy, describe how socio-economic and demographic indicators are actually used in coastal and aquatic resources management.
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    Integrated management of coastal zones 1994
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    This report identifies governmental actions that can lead to effective management of coastal resources and strenghtening the national capacity for effective coastal resources management through Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM). This is a system for controlling development and other human activities that effect the condition of economic resources and the quality of environment in coastal zones. The overall objective of ICZM is to provide for sustainable use of coastal nat ural resources and for maintenance of biodiversity. Environmentally planned development is reputed to add to economic and social prosperity of a coastal community in the long term. The orientation of the report is toward developing countries, particularly those of the coastal tropics. Fisheries productivity,increased tourism revenus,sustained mangrove forestry, and security from natrual hazard devastation are among the practical benefits of ICZM. ICZM incorporates modern prin ciples of planning and resources management, intensive information bases an interdisciplinary processes. A major objective is to facilitate the interactions of different coastal economic sectors (e.g.,shipping, agriculturte,fisheries) toward potimal socio-econopmic outcomes,including resolution of conflicts between sectors. ICZM may be initiated in response to a planning mandate but more often because of a crisis - a use conflict, a severe decline in a resource, or a devasting ex perience with natural hazards.

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