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FAO Bangladesh Newsletter, October 2020 - Issue #2

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    FAO Bangladesh Newsletter, October 2022 – Issue #7 2022
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    FAO Representative in Bangladesh, Robert D. Simpson, accompanies Agriculture Minister to FAO’s Hand-in-Hand Investment Forum in Rome. Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina addresses World Food Day celebration. New five-year Country Programming Framework signed. Huge stockpile of pesticide DDT being sent to Europe for safe disposal after decades in city centre storage. Emergency assitance for farming households affected by severe floods. First Bangladesh veterinary Olympiad. The Ministry of Agriculture, in collaboration with FAO, held a series of regional consultation workshops on investment for agricultural transformation. The Dhaka Food System project has established 12 farmers’ markets across Dhaka with a plan to launch four more. The project also organized a two-week study tour to Bangkok and Melbourne for select government officials to learn abou the cities' food systems. The Meeting the Undernutrition Challenge project, funded by the European Union, in collaboration with the Food Planning and Monitoring Unit, Ministry of Food, is carrying out an assessment which will look at the impact of cash, vouchers, and in-kind assistance (direct food provision) on the quality of diets of the ultra-poor. A major new global climate change report, co-authored by an expert from the FAO country team, Muhammad Arfanuzzaman, paints a grim picture for Bangladesh. FAO has conducted a RIMA study for the first time in Bangladesh.
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    FAO Bangladesh Newsletter, July 2020 - Issue #1 2020
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    Inugural newsletter of FAO Bangladesh, providing an overview of key achievements over the past few months leading up to the end of July 2020. The newsletter cover updates on the emergency response to COVID-19, Cyclone Amphan, and the severe monsoon floods.
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    Fall Armyworm Control in Action Newsletter, October 2020 - Issue #1 2020
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    Fall armyworm (FAW, Spodoptera frugiperda) is a pest originating in the Americas: it can fly over 100 km per day; it feeds on over 80 hosts; and a female moth can deposit 1 000 eggs during its life. Challenges in mitigating FAW damage include, among others, lack of the following: coordination at global, regional and national levels; effective monitoring and control techniques; and effective phytosanitary measures and capacity at national level. The Global Action for Fall Armyworm Control (GA, 2020- 2022) was launched by FAO Director-General QU Dongyu on 4 December 2019 with a mandate for a strong and coordinated approach to strengthen prevention and sustainable pest control capacities. The GA focuses on Africa, Asia-Pacific and the Near East, where an integrated pest management (IPM) strategy will be implemented in countries with significant pest presence, and a prevention strategy will be conducted in areas with limited or no distribution of the pest. The GA has continued to support countries in managing FAW throughout the COVID-19 pandemic by conducting webinars and virtual trainings on FAW monitoring and management and by implementing activities where possible.

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