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15 Years in Afghanistan

A special report: 2003-2018

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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Afghanistan - Humanitarian Response Plan 2018
    FAO in the 2018 humanitarian appeals
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    This brochure gives a very brief overview in numbers and with a map of the acute food insecurity situation. It summarizes the crises causes by conflict, natural disasters and cross-border movements that continue to increase food insecurity in Afghanistan in 2017. Recurrent violence, economic slowdown, crop pests and natural hazards, such as drought and flooding, increased the vulnerability of already severely food-insecure populations, many living in hard-to-reach areas. Populations targeted for assistance include returnees, conflict-affected IDPs and people living in places of origin, people affected by natural disasters, non-displaced farmers, farmers affected by crop pests, and Pakistani refugees.
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    FAO Afghanistan Newsletter
    September 2018, Issue 14
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    This issue highlights the most interesting accomplishments and stories from FAO Afghanistan for the months of July - September 2018. The newsletter describes a new Japanese-funded project on irrigation. It covers the departure of the Japanese FAOR and the arrival of the new FAOR, Mr. Rajendra Aryal to the country. Other stories include the beginning of the FAO emergency animal feed distribution project; the success in turning barren desert into farmland; a study tour of irrigation works in Japan; clean energy equipment that was built and/or distributed in one province; a succesful irrigation and small hydropower project that is still benefitting a remote community years after project end; and the completion of a large vaccination campaign in the Eastern region of the country.

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