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ProjectBuilding engagement with REDD+ at country level - GCP/GLO/874/AUL 2019
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No results found.FAO Forestry Department’s main activities in relation to REDD+ and National Forest Monitoring include helping to build institutional capacity at national level by providing technical assistance in countries and developing tools to support the design and implementation of multipurpose National Forest Inventory, Satellite Land Monitoring Systems, and Forest Reference Levels, which also include support to assess forest carbon estimates in the context of REDD+. Using its global and country-level expertise, FAO identified the need to accelerate the transfer of knowledge on REDD+ Measurement, Reporting and Verification to countries, as they make the transition from readiness to implementation. This project presented a collaborative approach towards more effectively leveraging existing capacity-building resources in the advancement of REDD+ implementation. -
Brochure, flyer, fact-sheetThe role of FAO in land tenure reform to support REDD+ implementation 2017The flyer gives a brief overview of FAO's expertise and capacities to support partner countries on tenure and REDD+. The flyer will be used in outreach to existing and potential partners.
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