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Review of Training Needs

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    Book (stand-alone)
    Training for fish quality improvement: Training needs analysis 2011
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    This report refers to work carried out between late July and early October 2011 focussed on reducing non-tariff barriers to trade and supporting the implementation of regional standards for fish quality. It refers specifically to a training needs assessment activity to assist the identification of capacity building activities and subsequent design and implementation of a first phase of regional training initiatives related to hygiene and sanitation standards and improved fish quality. Working cl osely with the Business and Trade Development Specialist (BTDS) of the SmartFish Program and focal points in selected countries, the consultant undertook a Training Needs Assessment (TNA) through site visits and secondary data review and reviewed recent related capacity building activities. As part of the process the consultant helped facilitate an EAC standards workshop which also informed the capacity building activities proposed. Missions undertaken to 6 prioritised countries: Kenya, Tanzania , Uganda, Malawi, Zambia and Zimbabwe. A further 3 countries are also planned to benefit from capacity building: Burundi, DRC and Rwanda. The EAC are in the process of finalising Harmonised Sanitary and Phytosanitary Guidelines for Fish and Fishery Products. These are designed to promote regional trade activities and will provide an important entry point for the SmartFish programme. COMESA countries are working towards CODEX standards, which have also been used to develop the EAC standards. Key short to medium term objectives for COMESA countries include: • increased value addition; • public and private sector investment in aquaculture developed; • value chain approach to sector development document; • postharvest losses reduced; • trade and market conditions improved; • information and knowledge content and exchange improved.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Training for fish quality improvement: Training needs analysis 2011
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    This report refers to work carried out between late July and early October 2011 focussed on reducing non-tariff barriers to trade and supporting the implementation of regional standards for fish quality. It refers specifically to a training needs assessment activity to assist the identification of capacity building activities and subsequent design and implementation of a first phase of regional training initiatives related to hygiene and sanitation standards and improved fish quality. Working cl osely with the Business and Trade Development Specialist (BTDS) of the SmartFish Program and focal points in selected countries, the consultant undertook a Training Needs Assessment (TNA) through site visits and secondary data review and reviewed recent related capacity building activities. As part of the process the consultant helped facilitate an EAC standards workshop which also informed the capacity building activities proposed. Missions undertaken to 6 prioritised countries: Kenya, Tanzania , Uganda, Malawi, Zambia and Zimbabwe. A further 3 countries are also planned to benefit from capacity building: Burundi, DRC and Rwanda. The EAC are in the process of finalising Harmonised Sanitary and Phytosanitary Guidelines for Fish and Fishery Products. These are designed to promote regional trade activities and will provide an important entry point for the SmartFish programme. COMESA countries are working towards CODEX standards, which have also been used to develop the EAC standards. Key short to medium term objectives for COMESA countries include: • increased value addition; • public and private sector investment in aquaculture developed; • value chain approach to sector development document; • postharvest losses reduced; • trade and market conditions improved; • information and knowledge content and exchange improved.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Training for fish quality improvement: Training needs analysis 2011
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    This report refers to work carried out between late July and early October 2011 focussed on reducing non-tariff barriers to trade and supporting the implementation of regional standards for fish quality. It refers specifically to a training needs assessment activity to assist the identification of capacity building activities and subsequent design and implementation of a first phase of regional training initiatives related to hygiene and sanitation standards and improved fish quality. Working cl osely with the Business and Trade Development Specialist (BTDS) of the SmartFish Program and focal points in selected countries, the consultant undertook a Training Needs Assessment (TNA) through site visits and secondary data review and reviewed recent related capacity building activities. As part of the process the consultant helped facilitate an EAC standards workshop which also informed the capacity building activities proposed. Missions undertaken to 6 prioritised countries: Kenya, Tanzania , Uganda, Malawi, Zambia and Zimbabwe. A further 3 countries are also planned to benefit from capacity building: Burundi, DRC and Rwanda. The EAC are in the process of finalising Harmonised Sanitary and Phytosanitary Guidelines for Fish and Fishery Products. These are designed to promote regional trade activities and will provide an important entry point for the SmartFish programme. COMESA countries are working towards CODEX standards, which have also been used to develop the EAC standards. Key short to medium term objectives for COMESA countries include: • increased value addition; • public and private sector investment in aquaculture developed; • value chain approach to sector development document; • postharvest losses reduced; • trade and market conditions improved; • information and knowledge content and exchange improved.

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