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NewsletterFAO Malawi Newsletter, Biannual 2019 - Issue #1 2019
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No results found.FAO Malawi newsletter is an online publication that provides a snapshot view of activities that are carried out under the various projects that the country programme is implementing in collaboration with the government of Malawi. It will be distributed primarily to internal stakeholders and some external partners within government, the UN and the donor community. -
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DocumentWorking Paper 1: Crop Production, Extension and Research
Formulation and Operationalization of National Action Plan for Poverty Alleviation and Rural Development through Agriculture (NAPA)
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No results found.This review is contains seven topic areas: (i) sector background, (ii) specific aspects of the crop sector, (iii) institutional environment, (iv) key opportunities and constraints to sector development, (v) poverty and social inclusiveness, (vi) recommended areas of intervention and investment and (iv) relation of crop sector to other rural areas.
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