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Livestock Investment Coordination System

Briefing note

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    Livestock-related interventions during emergencies
    The how-to-do-it manual
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    This FAO manual provides technical advice and guidelines for each of the livestock interventions most common during emergency response to natural and human-induced disasters. These are: destocking, veterinary support, provision of feed, provision of water, shelters and provision of livestock. There is also a chapter on the use of cash transfer and one on monitoring, evaluation and assessing the impact of emergency livestock projects. The manual complements the Livestock Emergency Guidelines and Standards (LEGS) handbook (
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    Improving the Coordination and Capacity of Ministry of Livestock, Forestry and Range and other Somali Institutions to Control Trade Limiting Livestock Diseases - TCP/SOM/3701 2021
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    Somalia continues to face political, social and economic challenges after two decades of civil conflict This, alongside an inadequate level of external support, has limited the capacity of the Federal Government to fulfil its mandate Institutions remain weak, and policies and legal frameworks are inadequate Livestock diseases are a major handicap to livestock production and exports and often lead to livestock export bans Given the country’s limited human and institutional capacity, the Federal Government requested urgent external support in order to increase livestock exports, one of the goals of the Somalia NDP 2017 2018 The project aimed to respond to this request by building human and institutional capacity in the field and by providing technical support to the ministries responsible for livestock in Somalia The main objective of the project was to provide technical assistance to the federal MoLFR in its efforts to enhance livestock exports for the benefit of male headed and female dependent households along the livestock value chain The project would support MoLFR by providing immediate technical assistance, training and inputs to establish coordination mechanisms, develop capacity in laboratory diagnosis, disease surveillance and reporting, and the management of quarantine stations, and create a policy and regulatory framework to support livestock exports It was envisaged that this would lead to investment in solid capacity development programmes to address the short and medium term needs of MoLFR.

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