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Brochure, flyer, fact-sheetŞabalıd quruması 2024
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Bu nəşrin məqsədi şabalıd yanıqları, onun simptomları, Azərbaycanda tarixi yayılması və mövcud nəzarət mexanizmləri ilə bağlı nəzərdə tutulan auditoriyaya əhəmiyyətli məlumat verməkdir. Nəşrdən texniki məlumat kitabçası, faktiki ehtiyac duyulan sözügedən şabalıq xəstəliyi haqqında biliyin ötürülməsi kimi istifade edilməsi nəzərdə tutulmuşdur. Məlumat kitabçası uzun ömürlü olması, daha çox texniki ekspertlərin, fermerlərin və bu sahədə çalışan hər bir kəsə dəstək olması gözlənilir. -
No Thumbnail AvailableBook (series)Unasylva - Vol. 3, No. 1
A Review of Forestry and Forest Products, January-February 1949
1949UNASYLVA is prepared by the Division of Forestry and Forest Products and published by the Information Division of FAO at the Organization's temporary headquarters in Washington, D. C. It is printed in Baltimore, Maryland, U. S. A. UNASYLVA is published in English, French, and Spanish. UNASYLVA may be obtained from the following gales agents: Australia: H. A. Goddard Pty. Ltd., Sydney; Canada: The Ryerson Press, Toronto 2; Czechoslovakia: F. Topic, Prague 1; Denmark: Ejnar Munksgaard, Copenhagen; Finland: Akateeminen Kirjakauppa, Helsinki; France: Les Editions A. Pedone, Paris 5e; Latin America: International Documents Service, Columbia University Press, New York 27; Netherlands: N. V. Martinus Nijhoff, The Hague; Switzerland: Librarie Payot, S.A., Lausanne, and Hans Raunhardt, Zurich 1; United Kingdom: H. M. Stationery Office, London W.1; United States: International Documents Service, Columbia University Press, New York 27, and United Nations Bookstores, Lake Success, New York. Requests from countries where sales agents have not yet been appointed may be sent to: FAO Documents Sales Service, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Washington 6, D. C., U. S. A. Annual subscription, $3.50; single copy, 65 cents.This electronic document has been scanned using optical character recognition (OCR) software and careful manual recorrection. Even if the quality of digitalisation is high, the FAO declines all responsibility for any discrepancies that may exist between the present document and its original printed version. -
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No results found.Chestnut (Castanea species) are trees providing crucial resources for livelihoods in many parts of the world, with a wide range of economic, social and environmental benefits. The Asian chestnut gall wasp (ACGW) Dryocosmus kuriphilus Yasumatsu (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae) is considered to be one of the most harmful insect pests of chestnut varieties in the world and can cause serious damage. However, protecting forest health from ACGW is possible using Integrated Pest Management (IPM) principles inc luding classical biological control methods.
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