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Mapping land cover in Tunisia

In the context of the Soil Land and Water Digital Information System initiative

Last updated 16/10/2024, see corrigendum.

Sarvia, F., Farren, K., Khatteli, A., Chiozza, F., Maki, A., Cherif, I., Mushtaq, F., Jalal, R. & Henry, M. 2024. Mapping land cover in Tunisia. In thecontext of the Soil Land and Water Digital Information System initiative. Rome, FAO.

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    Land Cover Mapping Process - Tunisia 2023
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    Land cover and land use information is a vital information for governments, agencies and institutions of a country to make informed decisions, promote sustainable development, protect the environment, food security biodiversity conservation, climate change and ensure the well-being of their citizens. It plays a critical role in shaping policies and actions that align with long-term sustainability goals. Technological advancements have significantly heightened the value of land cover (LC) information. However, this progress has also widened the user base, posing challenges for harmonization and uniform utilization. The constant generation of new LC data and diverse classification schemes has led to inconsistencies, hindered interoperability, and limited practical application due to traditional vague classifications. Hence, there is a critical necessity to create reliable, standardized LC data and legends using geospatial tools and applications. This approach is crucial to effectively address global, regional, and national environmental monitoring needs and challenges. The Food and Agriculture of the United Nations (FAO) is involved in developing and enhancing all aspects of land cover and its applications. FAO offers land cover services at global, regional, and national levels following international standards and using the latest state of art technology innovation. This includes land cover legend registry, land cover ontology and classification systems, essential to consistency across systems and disciplinesfor sharing; development of methodologies for operational rapid assessment of land cover and its changes at national, regional and global scale; and helping member countries to meet their need for up-to-date, consistent and detailed land cover and land use information. FAO Tunisia is working closely with the national partners to ensure the sustainability of the system to support ongoing projects.
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    Land Cover Atlas of Yemen 2024
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    Understanding the utilization, distribution, temporal variations, and human activities related to natural resources is crucial for sustainable land management, especially in Yemen, a country grappling with prolonged conflicts and severe environmental challenges. The competition for natural resources such as water, arable land, and wood among various stakeholders with diverse interests often leads to land degradation and is a key driver of tensions and conflicts. Therefore, obtaining this fundamental information is imperative for promoting sustainable land use and mitigating the negative impacts of resource competition.In Yemen, land cover mapping is essential to support growing concerns about food and nutrition security, improving the resilience of livelihoods to threats and crises in the context of climate change. This atlas contains the land cover dataset for Yemen, prepared as part of a portfolio of projects aimed at enhancing governance and preventing conflicts across the country. The ultimate goal is to reduce displacement and irregular migration by promoting household food security, nutrition, and income.Creating an accurate initial inventory of natural resources is critical for sustaining these achievements over time. The new land cover dataset allows for detailed mapping of natural resources, human settlements, and activities in Yemen. It represents an updated dataset developed for Yemen, integrating high-resolution multi-temporal imagery, machine-learning algorithms, and the Land Cover Meta Language (LCML) to support the Natural Resource Management strategy, land use planning, and other innovative approaches.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Lesotho: Land cover atlas 2017–2023 2023
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    The Lesotho Next Generation Land Cover Database (NextGen-LCDB) and Atlas (NextGen-Atlas) have been prepared in support of ReNOKA, the national programme for Integrated Catchment Management in Lesotho, through the Action “Support to Integrated Catchment Management in Lesotho”, co-financed by the EU and BMZ, and implemented by GIZ. The NextGen-LCDB was developed in close collaboration with the ICM management Unit, the ICM Data Reference Group, and the Lesotho Governmental Institutions including the Bureau of Statistics (BOS), Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security (MAFS), Ministry of Forestry, Range and Soil Conservation (MFRSC). The Lesotho Government supported the construction of the NextGen-Atlas by supporting the development of the legend, revising the methodology, and participating actively in the field survey campaign. The MFRSC played a key role in the survey design and in the definition of environmental indicators for rangelands and wetlands. The ICM Data Reference Group and the Bureau of Statistics (BOS) played a decisive role in the validation of the land cover methodology and the NextGen-LCDB. The NextGen-Atlas of Lesotho provides information on the land cover distribution at multiple geographical levels and across the time frame 2017-2022: at the national level, at the district level, at the municipality level, at the main catchment area level, and by six selected Sub-Catchment areas under ICM priority interventions. The development of the NextGen-Atlas involved the use of ancillary datasets provided by the Ministry of Forestry, Range and Soil Conservation (MFRSC), Ministry of Local Government and Chieftainship Affairs (MLGCA), Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security (MAFS), Ministry of Tourism, Environment and Culture (MTEC), Ministry of Water Affairs (MWA) and Lesotho Land Administration Authority (LAA).

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