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Book (series)渔业委员会渔业管理分委员会第一届会议报告 — 线上会议,2024年1月15–18日 2024
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粮农组织渔业委员会(渔委)渔业管理分委员会于2024年1月15–18日线上举行第一届会议。渔委95个成员代表及1个成员组织、3个联合国专门机构代表、14个粮农组织其他成员国观察员、45个政府间组织和国际非政府组织观察员出席会议。分委员会强调渔业对于消除贫困、饥饿和营养不良的重要性,并强调需要实现有效的渔业管理,确保渔业可持续发展。 -
Book (series)以抽样为基础的渔业调查:技术手册。 2010The purpose of this handbook is to summarize experience gained over recent years in fishery statistical development by the Fishery Information, Data and Statistics Unit (FIDI) of FAO, and provide planners and users of fishery surveys with simple and step-by-step guidance for developing and implementing cost-effective and sustainable fishery surveys. The methodological and operational concepts discussed here apply equally to both marine and inland capture fisheries and are presented in a manner t hat is generic enough to make them adaptable to most commonly used data collection systems. Statistical aspects are presented in a descriptive rather than theoretical manner. Emphasis is placed on the understanding and interpretation of the statistics and related indicators collected, rather than on the computations producing them. Readers interested in a more in-depth discussion on statistical and computing approaches may make use of the list of references that is given at the end of the handbo ok.
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