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DocumentNational Report – Sultanate of Oman 2013
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No results found.Omani fishery sector is one of several sectors that contribute to the economy of the country. The total production of this sector in 2012 was 192,000 tons with a total value of 143 million OMR. Comparing with 2011 the value of fishery production was increased by 16% in 2012. The consumption of Tu products in Oman is high. There is a fluctuations of the total annual production of Tu which is 8753 mt in 2003 and it increased up to 16850 mt in 2007 and decreased to 5501 mt in 2012. This fluctuation of coastal tu activities finds probably its origin, among others, in the modification of environmental factors, predator- prey relationship, spawning problems (Dr. Al Qumi, 2011) and the actual reduction of the industrial pelagic fleet. This segment went from 52 vessels in 2008 to 8 vessels in 2012. This reduction in the industrial fishing capacity was initiated by the tiol Authorities for the purpose of restructuring the industrial fishing sector to improve its competitiveness and efficiency. On the other hand there is a massive increase in the number of vessels and fishermen of Artisal and coastal fleets. Omani Government has introduced the logbook data collection scheme, the Vessel Monitoring System (VMS) and Port Sampling Program (PSP), observer programme (under/development) to monitor Tu fishery and to enhance the quality of data gathered in order to mage and sustain efficiently the Omani fisheries. Moreover, the Government started to run and monitor several other projects for ot her\ marine species such as sea birds and marine turtles but are still in their starting stages. -
MeetingSpatial variation in age and growth of the kingfish (Scomberomorus commerson) in the coastal waters of the Sultanate of Oman 2013
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MeetingStandardization of longtail tuna (Thunnus tonggol) catch rates of drift gillnet fisheries in Sultanate of Oman 2014
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