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FAO Aquaculture News, May 2022 - No. 65

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    Journal, magazine, bulletin
    FAO Aquaculture News, May 2021 - No. 63 2021
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    FAO Aquaculture News (FAN) is issued twice a year by the FAO Fisheries Division, Rome, Italy. It presents articles and views from the FAO aquaculture programme and discusses various aspects of aquaculture as seen from the perspective of both headquarters and the field programme. Articles are contributed by FAO staff from within and outside the Fisheries Division, from FAO regional offices and fi eld projects, by FAO consultants and, occasionally, by invitation from other sources. FAN is distributed free of charge to various institutions, scientists, planners and managers in Member countries. FAN 63 contains a variety of articles including updates on the Global Conference on Aquaculture Millennium +20, the Guidelines for Sustainable Aquaculture, and the programme of Aquatic Genetic Resources. Thematic articles include aquaculture opportunity areas and aquaparks, developments in seaweed farming, gender and aquaculture, and artemia production. Regional updates cover recent developments in aquaculture in Africa, Asia, eastern Europe, North Africa and Latin America. A special section includes summaries of an FAO webinar series on Regional Reviews of Aquaculture, presenting some of the key findings and messages from panel discussions ahead of the full publications.
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    Journal, magazine, bulletin
    FAO Aquaculture News, December 2021 - No. 64 2021
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    FAO Aquaculture News (FAN) is issued twice a year by the FAO Fisheries Division, Rome, Italy. It presents articles and views from the FAO aquaculture programme and discusses various aspects of aquaculture as seen from the perspective of both headquarters and the field programme. Articles are contributed by FAO staff from within and outside the Fisheries and Aquaculture Division, from FAO regional offices and field projects, by FAO consultants and, occasionally, by invitation from other sources. FAN is distributed free of charge to various institutions, scientists, planners and managers in Members. FAN 64 contains a variety of articles including outcomes of the Global Conference on Aquaculture Millennium +20, including eight invited articles from selected poster authors. Aquaculture updates by region include Aquaculture Field Schools and women's seaweed groups in Kenya, feed management guidelines in Eastern Europe and Central Asia, investment for aquaculture in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea, lessons learned from small scale aquaculture in Chile to adapt to climate change, and a webinar on inland aquaculture in the Maghreb. Thematic articles highlight gender transformative approaches in aquaculture, a harmonized system of classification of fisheries and aquaculture products, and a global information system for aquatic genetic resources. Recent publications are also included.
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    Journal, magazine, bulletin
    FAO Aquaculture Newsletter 60 - August 2019 2019
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    This FAN 60 is an opportunity to review the progress and development of the aquaculture sector over the past thirty years. It contains an editorial on “FAN coming of age!” and four main sections on: (1) Global aquaculture updates; FAO effort to counter Tilapia Lake Virus (TiLV); one article on the fourth Global Conference on Aquaculture in 2020; one article on Aquatic genetic resources and one on the FAO-Shanghai Ocean University special workshop on social impact of rice-fish farming (2) Aquaculture updates by region: five articles for Asia- Pacific; two articles for Europe; three articles for Near East and North Africa; three articles for Latin America and the Caribbean; seven articles for Sub-Saharan Africa. (3) There are nine thematic articles: (i) Contribution of aquaculture to total fishery production; (ii) Agroecology in aquaculture; (iii) The gender triad, a new paradigm for gender mainstreaming in aquaculture; (iv) Microalgae in aquatic animal feeds; (v) The SDGs and the economic contribution of fisheries and aquaculture; (vi) The natural radioactivity in diets; (vii) Towards guidelines on sustainable aquaculture; (viii) Guidance on social issues relative to human and labour rights in fisheries and aquaculture value chains; (ix) Future food systems and diets: where is the fish? (4) The miscellaneous section contains three contributions: (i) Promotion of aquaculture through social media channels; (ii) An updated ISSCAAP classification; (iii) Aquaculture to improve global nutrition (iv) New staff profiles, Recent publications and Calendar of events. Our colleague Joanna Tool is also remembered in this issue.

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