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Brochure, flyer, fact-sheetSDG Indicator 2.c.1 – Food price anomalies 2020
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No results found.This fact sheet describes the course which is a clear and easy-to-use guide to understand Indicator 2.c.1 (Indicator of Food Price Anomalies) and the methodology to estimate it. It covers basic concepts related to market functioning, prices determination and price volatility and it explains how to calculate the indicator and use the online Food Price Monitoring and Analysis (FPMA) Tool to interpret indicator results at national and international level. -
Book (series)Agriculture producer price indices 2020
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No results found.The FAO indices of agricultural products measure the average annual change over time in the selling prices received by farmers (prices at the farm-gate or at the first point of sale). The source of official country Agriculture Producer Prices is a questionnaire sent annually to the national statistical offices in all countries in May of the reference year, in addition to two previous years. Country Agriculture Producer Price Indices are updated in FAOSTAT on annual basis. -
BookletAgriculture producer prices indices 2016–2021 2022
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No results found.The FAO indices of agricultural producer prices measure the average annual change over time in the selling prices received by farmers (prices at the farm-gate or at the first point of sale) for primary crops, live animals’ weight and livestock primary products. In 2019 and 2020, large variations in producer price indices were observed, mainly due to COVID-19 pandemic restrictions, which disrupted the supply chain and pushed many countries to stockpile food reserves out of food security concerns, unfavourable weather events in key exporting countries and strong demand for biofuels by non-commercial traders. Estimates for 2021 show a sustained increase in producer prices. Country agriculture producer price indices are updated in FAOSTAT on an annual basis. The next release presenting global and regional trends will be in December 2022.
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