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MeetingBackground document: Agenda item 8a. Participation in the XIII World Forestry Congress. Forestry and climate change - to Copenhagen and beyond
50th session, 26 May 2009, Rome, Italy
2009Also available in:
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DocumentClimate Change Adapatation and Mitigation in the Food and Agriculture Sector. Technical Background Document from the Expert Consultation Held on 5 to 7 March 2008. FAO, Rome
2008Also available in:
No results found.Many countries worldwide are facing food crises due to conflict and disasters, while food security is being adversely affected by unprecedented price hikes for basic food, driven by historically low food stocks, high oil prices and growing demand for agro-fuels, and droughts and floods linked to climate change. High international cereal prices have already sparked food riots in several countries. In addition, rural people (who feed the cities) are now, for the first time, less numerous than city dwellers and developing countries are becoming major emitters of greenhouse gases. Many traditional equilibriums are changing, such as those between food crops and energy crops and cultivated lands and rangelands, as is the nature of conflicts in general. These changing equilibriums are, and will be, affected by changing climate, resulting in changed and additional vulnerability patterns.
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