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e-Agriculture Promising Practice: Agro Weather Tool for Climate Smart Agriculture

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    e-Agriculture Promising Practice: Open Data Kit: a new field data collection tool for been breeders and researchers
    Improving the common been breeding process by providing accurate field trial data
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    The International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT), through its Pan Africa Bean Research Alliance (PABRA) program, works in collaboration with country national programs in over 29 countries across the African continent to improve the varieties of beans available to the farmers through research. This promising practice factsheet focuses on the introduction of the Open Data Kit (ODK) in Uganda. ODK is one of the ICT platforms that have been taken up by the PABRA program. It is believed that ODK can revolutionize the way data is managed by ensuring the seamless collection, storage and analysis of data. With five key themes, (breeding, markets, nutrition, seed systems and capacity building) the operationalization of the ODK platform in Uganda in the last two years focused on working with the National Bean Program in using ODK to manage trial data aimed at releasing climate smart bean varieties that are multiple stress resistant and drought tolerant
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    Weather dependent climate smart recommendations
    Part of the Lao People's Democratic Republic climate services for agriculture (LaCSA)
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    The Laos Climate Services in Agriculture (LaCSA) system was developed by the Department of Meteorology and Hydrology (DMH) project Strengthening Agro-climatic Monitoring and Information System (SAMIS). The LaCSA archives and processes agro-meteorological and climatological data to provide agro-advisory services to next- and end-users. It generates and delivers tailored agro-met services to farmers by analyzing the meteorological data, agriculture data from national databases, and field level data collected by partners to produce seasonal (monthly) and real-time (weekly) agro-advisory in the form of bulletins. The bulletins contain district- and province-specific crop and livestock forecasted climate risks, pest and diseases risk advisory, and climate smart farming recommendations. The production of the recommendations was undertaken by the National Agriculture and Forestry Research Institute (NAFRI) and by the CIAT project DeRISK. Jointly these entities collected and systematized detailed agricultural data and experts knowledge throughout the country. The recommendations went through a series of revisions and validations based on feedback from local crop experts. The agricultural recommendations (presented here in English but available in Lao language too) are structured in tables. Rows list the farming activity, and columns contain farming practices by rainfall forecast compared to the climatological average, for which three conditions are possible: normal, wetter than normal, and drier than normal. This leaflet aims to promote fair access and transparency for researchers, development partners, and advisory users. LaCSA is a dynamic system and information can be updated and modified based on new knowledge and need. Authorized representatives will improve the recommendations over time.
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    e-Agriculture Promising Practice: Rice Crop Manager and Rice Advice: Decision tools for rice crop management 2018
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    Rice Crop Manager and RiceAdvice are two decision support tools that were developed by the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) and Africa Rice Center (AfricaRice) for rice crop management. The web based tool (Rice Crop Manager) and the android application (RiceAdvice) both aim at providing smallholder rice-farmers with timely field specific guidelines for crop and nutrient management practices. The tools provide information at the start of the season and for in-season practices such as weeding and fertilizer application. The guidelines are generated each new season, in order to remain as accurate as possible. Rice Crop Manager is a free decision-making tool accessible through the web browser for Windows, Android and Linux. It can be used on a smartphone, tablet or computer. RiceAdvice is a free application for Android and an Android-based smartphone or tablet is needed for its use.

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