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Brochure, flyer, fact-sheetInstitutional capacity on forest tenure in Cambodia, Nepal and Viet Nam: Status, gaps and way forward 2016
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No results found.Overall it was found that institutional capacity for strengthening forest tenure for forest dependent communities exists, but significant gaps were identified in all countries and all types of organizations. All three countries need to strengthen dialogue and cooperation between the different actors to identify measures and activities that will have direct livelihood improvement benefits and increase the income of forest dependent communities. All three countries need to increase their capacity to manage conflict and grievances over forest tenure rights, including their ability to recognize and analyse conflict, develop platforms for dialogue and negotiations, and increase their capacity to manage conflicts collaboratively. They also need to explore developing an integrated and strategic approach to strengthening the capacity of institutions is needed to address the gaps. This can be achieved by dedicating sufficient resources, coordinated and continued development of capacity building products and services, and integrating capacity building as a main element in forest tenure activities of government organizations and civil society organizations. -
Book (stand-alone)Forest Tenure in Cambodia, Nepal and Viet Nam 2017
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No results found.The system of tenure defines how people and communities gain access to land, forests and other resources. In many part of the world, forest tenure system is weak, not pro-poor, and contested. Many countries in Asia have initiated forest tenure reform programmes to improve livelihoods of rural poor. However, the outcome of such reform is mixed and potential benefits to rural people are not fully realised. Restrictive and weak regulatory frameworks, tenure insecurity, and insufficient institutiona l capacity are key factors limiting the impacts of forest tenure reform. Against this backdrop, FAO initiated a regional programme on "Strengthening Forest Tenure for Sustaining Livelihoods and Generating Income" in Cambodia, Nepal and Viet Nam in 2014. This book summarizes key findings of the regional project ‘Strengthening Forest Tenure for Sustaining Livelihoods and Generating Income’ implemented between 2014 and 2016 in Cambodia, Nepal and Viet Nam. It was part of the Technical Cooperation Programme (TCP) of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations and implemented at the request of the governments in these countries. During the course of project implementation, each country undertook national assessment of forest tenure policies and institutional capacity and identified gaps in these areas. A series of consultations, multistakeholder policy dialogues and capacity development activities was also conducted as part of the project. -
DocumentStrengthening Forest Tenure in Cambodia, Nepal and Viet Nam - TCP RAS 3506 2018Most countries in Asia and the Pacific are struggling to address issues related to forest tenure, above all inadequate regulatory frameworks and lack of institutional capacity. Systems of tenure define how people and communities gain access to land, forests and other resources. In the three project pilot countries (Cambodia, Nepal and Viet Nam) forest tenure systems are weak, not pro-poor, and contested. The access of forest-dependent communities to forest resources and land is not adequately protected by policies, policy implementation and laws. Unless this issue is addressed there is little hope for those communities to benefit from forests in the long term. The aim of the project was to strengthen the regulatory frameworks and institutional capacity of the pilot countries with regard to forest tenure, contributing to improving the livelihoods and income of forest-dependent communities.
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