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MeetingUpdate of standardized CPUE of blue shark (Prionace glauca) in the Indian Ocean estimated from observer data in the period between 1992 and 2014 2015
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DocumentDiscussion Paper Distinction between GIAHS and UNESCO’s Cultural Landscapes category (GIAHS/STSC/15/3 add.1) 2015
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No results found.At the global scale, there are several international organizations working on heritage protection. The UNESCO World Heritage Convention, which signed in 1972, is to conserve world's cultural and natural properties. After more than 40 years of operation and experience, 1031 properties and 31 transboundary in 163 countries are inscribed in the World Heritage List (UNESCO, 2015). Originated in a similar era to World Heritage Sites, UNESCO launched a Man and the Biosphere (MAB) programme in 1971. As of today, the Programme operates in 651 biosphere reserves in 120 countries all over the world with the objective of promoting research, education, and communication in the field of ecosystem conservation and the rational use of natural resources (UNESCO, 2015). -
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