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ProjectSupporting Developing Countries to Integrate their Agricultural Sectors into National Adaptation Plans - UNFA/GLO/616/UND 2021
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No results found.The project successfully fostered climate change adaptation informed planning and budgeting in the agriculture sectors in the 11 target countries. This was achieved by strengthening the capacities of around 5 200 national and sectoral decision makers, representing over 120 institutions across the target countries, in identifying and appraising adaptation options, using tools such as multicriteria assessment, Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA), impact evaluation, and vulnerability and risk assessment, to facilitate evidence based decision making in their National Adaptation Plans (NAPs) process. Strategic capacities to advance adaptation planning and implementation were also reinforced, including on gender mainstreaming, climate finance, mobilization, and monitoring and evaluation of adaptation. In this context, a significant number of guidance materials were developed for policy makers and practitioners, related to different aspects of adaptation planning in agriculture. The project also helped countries to create collaborations with ongoing projects, and unlock innovative sources of climate finance that could support adaptation in their agriculture sectors. In addition, many partnerships and alliances were built with global research organizations, regional expert centres, national universities and civil society organizations. -
Book (stand-alone)The First Mile of Connectivity - advancing telecommunications for rural development through a participatory approach 2000
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