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DocumentIntroduction to Formulation and Analysis of Business Plans and Small Investment Projects training workshop
2018Also available in:
No results found.RuralInvest is a free multilingual methodology and toolkit to prepare investment projects and business plans. It provides a participatory, iterative and decentralized approach for the use of communities, entrepreneurs and field technicians of ministries, projects and financial institutions, in support of rural investments and agribusinesses development. -
DocumentRuralInvest Module 3 - Detailed Project Formulation and Analysis
A participatory approach to identifying and preparing small scale rural investments
2007Following on from earlier needs identification and project definition activities, Module 3 provides guidelines to assist local technical staff in developing high quality project proposals suitable for external appraisal and subsequent monitoring and evaluation. Drawing on MS Windows-compatible software which can be extensively customised to meet user needs, the Module facilitates the presentation of essential project data and automates key calculations such as cash flow, working capital requ irements, rates of return, employment generation and costs per beneficiary. The Module comprises this technical manual, software with a user’s guide, and training materials with an associated instructor’s guide. -
DocumentConcept note and agenda for the Regional Training Workshop on the Project Cycle and Project Management, and its application in RAP
Bangkok, 23-27 Sep 2019
2019Also available in:
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