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Measuring and assessing capacity in fisheries. 1. Basic concepts and management options

Ward, J.M.; Kirkley, J.E.; Metzner, R.; Pascoe, S.Measuring and assessing capacity in fisheries. 1. Basic concepts and management options.FAO Fisheries Technical Paper. No. 433/1. Rome, FAO. 2004. 40p.

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    Measuring and assessing capacity in fisheries. 2. Issues and methods 2003
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    This Fisheries Technical Paper provides guidance for the measurement and assessment of fishing capacity, with the aim of facilitating the implementation of the International Plan of Action for the Management of Fishing Capacity. It provides a discussion and overview of the various concepts of capacity and capacity utilization and potential methods for estimating capacity discussed at the FAO Technical Consultation on the Measurement of Fishing Capacity held in Mexico City from 29 Novembe r to 3 December 1999. The paper also introduces some more recent methodologies for examining capacity in fisheries. Its specific objective is to provide the information necessary for developing a widely accepted definition of capacity for fisheries as well as sufficient detail about various methods for estimating capacity to permit an empirical assessment of fishing capacity conditional on the types of data typically available for fisheries. The document initially discusses concepts an d issues necessary for understanding capacity and capacity utilization in fisheries, followed by the primary methods often used to estimate capacity. It also gives empirical examples of how the various approaches can be used to estimate and assess capacity. Finally, a potential framework for assessing overcapacity is presented and discussed.
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    Regional Reviews and National Management Reports - Fourth Workshop on the Assessment and Management of Shrimp and Groundfish Fisheries on the Brazil-Guianas Shelf, Cumaná, Venezuela, 2-13 October 2000 2001
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    This document assembles three reviews of the marine shrimp and groundfish fisheries of the Brazil-Guianas shelf (northern Brazil, French Guiana, Guyana, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago and eastern Venezuela) and one on environmental aspects of the area. The resources reviews are based on technical reports prepared prior to and during the Workshop in Cumaná, Venezuela and during previous meetings of the stock assessment experts of the WECAFC Ad Hoc Working Group on Shrimp and Groundfish Resources i n the Brazil-Guianas Shelf. The document also contains ten Management Reports, prepared by fishery scientists for presentation at the “Meeting of Fisheries Managers and Ministers of the WECAFC Ad Hoc Working Group on Shrimp and Groundfish Resources in the Brazil-Guianas Shelf”, held in Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, from 26-29 March 2001. These Management Reports are the culmination of stock assessment work carried out since the establishment of the WECAFC Ad Hoc Working Group on Shrimp and Groundfish Resources in the Brazil-Guianas Shelf in 1988, in particular in the four Workshops sponsored by CFRAMP and FAO and WECAFC and funded by CIDA, DANIDA (GCP/INT/575/DEN) and Norway (GCP/INT/648/NOR). Each report contains a number of recommendations for fisheries management, further research and international co-operation in data collection and assessments. Annex 2 contains a list of references on shrimp and groundfish species and environmental issues of the area, used in the vario us Workshops. This list was updated as far as published FAO documents are concerned.
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    Book (series)
    Measuring capacity in fisheries 2003
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    This Fisheries Technical Paper contains some selected papers originally presented at the FAO Technical Consultation on the Measurement of Fishing Capacity held in Mexico City in 1999. The 23 papers are presented in four parts. The first part includes papers addressing theoretical considerations and definitions of capacity. The second part presents case studies outlining the existing practice in some member countries. These case studies do not necessarily represent best practice, but pr ovide an overview of current practice. The third section includes papers that outline alternative methods for deriving output-based measures of capacity. In particular, the papers describe the data envelopment analysis and peak-to-peak techniques. The methods are applied to a number of fisheries for example purposes. The last section contains papers that outline alternative methods for assessing input-based measures of capacity. These include estimation of fishing power, hold capacity and bioeconomic modelling to determine optimal fleet sizes.

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