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Brochure, flyer, fact-sheetMain pests of pine forests in South East Europe
2014The health status of individual pine trees is characterized mainly based on defoliation, i.e. the relative foliar loss of a tree crown compared to that of a fully-leafed, healthy reference tree growing in the same stand and site conditions. Tree crown defoliation is a non-specific damage symptom, normally associated with a range of harmful factors, each of which can act separately or together. To determine the effects of single factors on the amount of damage and their importance is usually very difficult. It is usually impossible to separate the influence of climate change from other harmful factors (insects, pathogens, air pollution) affecting the health status in forest ecosystems. -
Book (stand-alone)Climate change impacts on twenty major crop pests in Central Asia, the Caucasus and Southeastern Europe 2021This research report for a regional study on the impacts of climate change on the spread of pests contributes to FAO’s normative work, as a milestone for 2020–2021 under the Regular Programme. The year 2020 was designated by the United Nations as the as the International Year of Plant Health (IYPH), with the aim of reducing crop loss from pests, which is estimated at 40 percent. In the current report, agricultural pests as any organism harmful to plants, including viruses, bacteria, fungi, nematodes, insects, etc are defined by the authors. We include those that cause direct damage as well as disease-causing organisms. Climate change is projected to worsen crop losses by another 10–25 percent, which in some regions would emanate from associated pests. Central Asia, the Caucasus and Southeastern Europe are under the research area.
Book (stand-alone)Doracak për dëmtuesit kryesorë të pyjeve në Europën juglindore
2014Mirëmbajtja e pyjeve me shëndet të mirë është një prej pikave themelore për mbajtjen e burimeve të drurit dhe të shërbimeve të ekosistemit, megjithatë një numër i madh kërcënimesh mund të shkaktojnë pengimin e zhvillimit dhe tharjen e drurëve. Prandaj, shëndeti dhe vitaliteti i pyjeve konsiderohet si një prej kritereve kryesore për menaxhimin e qëndrueshëm të pyjeve. Shkaqet e ndikimeve negative në shëndetin e pyjeve përfshijnë si agjentët biotikë (të tillë si, insektet, patogjenët, egërsirat dh e kafshët kullotëse), agjentët abiotikë (të tillë si, zjarri, era ose bora, acari ose thatësia). Duhet të përfshihen edhe disa ndikime antropogjenike të caktuara, si praktikat e dobëta të korrjes, ose edhe ndotja e ajrit.
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