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FAO Uzbekistan Newsletter, 4th quarter - Issue #3

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    FAO Uzbekistan Newsletter 2nd quarter 2022 - Issue #5 2022
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    The fifth issue of the FAO Uzbekistan Newsletter covers the period from April to June 2022 when significant events took place such as inauguration of the Uzbekistan lounge in the FAO headquarters in Rome and the Thirty-third Session of the Regional Conference for Europe in Łódź, Poland. Another important event is the official launch of the project aimed at the development of cooperation and peacebuilding between Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan. The newsletter also includes information on other significant results achieved within the framework of the implementation of FAO projects in Uzbekistan in various areas - sustainable forest management, response to drought and salinity, development of livestock, smart farming, locust control and much more, highlighting gender mainstreaming in the project cycle. With the introduction of a new format in the previous issue, the newsletter brings special attention to the analysis of challenges in the agriculture sector of Uzbekistan.
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    FAO Uzbekistan Newsletter, 1st quarter 2022 - Issue #4 2022
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    The fourth issue of the FAO Uzbekistan Newsletter covers the period from January to March 2022 and is presented in a new format, where a special place is given to an analytical review of important events of this period. Particularly, the Newsletter includes two analytical articles by FAO experts. The first article is devoted to the analysis of the impact of the ongoing Russian-Ukrainian conflict to the food security situation in Uzbekistan. Ensuring global food security that is facing new challenges today would be of immediate relevance to the current world situation. The second article reviews prospects and economic benefits of registration of traditional Uzbek goods as geographical indications in accordance with new Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On Geographical Indications” designed with FAO support. The author analyses new opportunities in the context of GIs for facilitating agrifood export promotion and improvement of value chain. The Newsletter also includes the latest news on the implementation of FAO projects in Uzbekistan in a variety of areas and other interesting topics.
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    FAO Uzbekistan Newsletter, 1st semester 2023 – Issue #7 2023
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    The seventh issue of the FAO Uzbekistan Newsletter covers the period from January to June 2023 and provides an overview of key activities implemented by the FAO Country Office in Uzbekistan. This period was marked by the official visit of the President of Uzbekistan, Shavkat Mirziyoyev, to Italy and his meeting with FAO Director-General Qu Dongyu in FAO Headquarters in Rome when practical aspects of expanding cooperation between Uzbekistan and FAO in such important areas as the modernization of the agricultural complex and ensuring food security were identified. During the first half of 2023, Uzbekistan's experience in the implementation of various FAO projects was presented at such major international forums as the UN Forum on Forests, held at the UN Headquarters in New York, USA, as the first annual meeting of the Food Systems, Land Use and Restoration program (FOLUR) in São Paulo, Brazil, and others. Conventionally, the Newsletter brings special attention to the analysis of challenges and opportunities in the agriculture sector of Uzbekistan. This issue includes an analytical article on some aspects of ensuring food security. The Newsletter also presents information about tangible results achieved in the implementation of various FAO projects in Uzbekistan related to drought and salinity stress responses, conservation of deserts' biodiversity, smart farming, locust management, livestock, aquaculture, digitalization, sustainable forest management and much more.

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