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NewsletterFAO Flash - Bulletin d'informations du Bureau du Togo n° 37, Avril - Juin 2018 2018
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No results found.FAO is stressing on the communication as an effective tool for disseminating the information for advocacy and resources mobilization in the fight against hunger and food insecurity to achieve its strategic objectives. In this regard, communication tools are edited on a regular basis by the FAO country office in Togo to ensure a better visibility of field projects at the country level. One of these tools is FAO Flash, an electronic newsletter to share information with the various partners on field activities implemented to the benefit of target groups. The current newsletter, n° 37, april - june 2018 summarizes projects activities during the second term of the year, namely: fall armyworm assessment of infestation, sustainable land management with climate change, world desertification day, non wood forest products, FAO assistance to eradicate highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) This newsletter will be widely disseminated in the FAO network and to the partners by IT messaging system. -
NewsletterFAO Flash - Bulletin d'informations du Bureau du Togo n° 36, Janvier - Mars 2018 2018
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No results found.A great emphasis is being centered by FAO on the communication an effective tool for disseminating the information for advocacy and resources mobilization for the fight against hunger and food insecurity to achieve its strategic objectives. In this regard, communication tools are edited on a regular basis by the Togo country office to ensure a better visibility of field projects at the country level. One of these tools is FAO Flash, an electronic newsletter to share information with the various partners on field projects implementation in favor of target groups. This quaterly newsletter, n° 36, janvier - mars 2018 summarizes projects activities during the first term of the year 2018, namely: control of fall armyworm; FAO assistance in promoting non wood forest products; national investment plan for environment and natural resources; capacity strengthening for the togolese animal disease control netnwork; duty travel in Togo of Mr Serge Nakouzi, DRR/RAF. By the means of the information technology, this newsletter will be widely disseminated in the FAO network and to the partners. -
NewsletterBulletin d'information du Bureau du Togo, Décembre 2018 - Numéro 1 2019
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No results found.Le FAO flash numéro spécial, bulletin d'informatioin du bureau du Togo, décembre 2018 - Numéro 1, met en lumière l'intervention de la Représentation de la FAO au Togo auprès du Centre d'observation et de réinsertion sociale des jeunes en difficulté de Cacavéli pour les assister dans la mise en place d'un site de maraichage avec totale maitrise de l'eau par le système d'irrigation goutte à goutte, en plus des semences et intrants pour la pratique du jardinage; et aussi en don de vivres et non vivres pour une sécurisation alimentaire et nutritionnelle pour le bien être de ces jeunes.
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