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Elements of an FAO Rural Employment Strategy - Productive, Fair and Just Employment for Rural Development and Food Security

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    Book (stand-alone)
    Food, agriculture and rural development
    Current and Emerging Issues for Economic Analysis and Policy Research
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    This publication contains four in-depth reviews on current and emerging issues in the economic analysis of food, agriculture and rural development, written by well-known scholars in the field. The selection of the issues for in-depth review was the result of a survey conducted among FAO staff involved in policy assistance activities in the main developing regions. Thus, the choice reflects their and, by extension, the policy-makers' perception as to the main research priorities in the economic a nalysis of agriculture, rural development, poverty and food security. A synthesis of the survey results is included as a chapter. The four in-depth reviews concern: (i) new trends in development thinking and implications for agriculture and rural development (by Simon Maxwell and Robin Heber Percy); (ii) causes, characteristics and alleviation strategies for rural poverty, with particular emphasis on Latin America (by Alberto Valdés and Johan A. Mistiaen); (iii) institutions, reform and agricult ural performance (by Pranab Bardhan); and (iv) migration and poverty issues (by J. Edward Taylor).
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    Book (series)
    Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals requires investing in rural areas
    FAO Agricultural Development Economics Policy Brief 3
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    Rural-based economic activity can be just as effective for poverty reduction as that of urban sectors. Since the 1990s, rural transformation has lifted nearly as many people out of poverty as urban development. Many more will be able to climb out of poverty if greater priority is given to public investments in rural areas. In order to help boost small-scale farm productivity and incomes, and to create vast amounts of off-farm employment in expanding segments of food supply and value chains, new strategies are needed to leverage the untapped potential of food systems through agro-industrial development.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Employment generation through small-scale dairy marketing and processing
    Experiences from Kenya, Bangladesh and Ghana
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    The role of employment in poverty-reduction programmes in developing countries has received considerable attention worldwide. Many new employment opportunities in many developing countries are created in the informal sector where the rate of growth may be higher than that of the formal sector. Dairy markets offer good opportunities for non-farm rural and urban employment. This may particularly be true in informal milk markets, which rely less on modern milk processing equipment and more on tradi tional labour-intensive technologies. The case studies from Kenya, Bangladesh and Ghana provide an opportunity to gain strategic insights into how small-scale dairy marketing and processing can contribute significantly to rural and urban employment, most of which occurs in the informal sector. The capacity for small-scale dairy processing and marketing to generate jobs in rural communities, as well as in peri-urban and urban areas, is demonstrated. Although the evidence presented here is based on simple case studies and should be taken as only indicative, it nevertheless demonstrates the strong potential for even small quantities of milk to generate employment in rural and peri-urban areas.

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