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Case studies of agrifood systems technologies and innovations for climate action at country level


FAO. 2024. Case studies of agrifood systems technologies and innovations for climate action at country level – Compendium. Rome.

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    Leveraging COVID-19 recovery strategies to build climate-smart agrifood systems in developing countries 2022
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    The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has jeopardized the stability of agrifood systems and the welfare of the rural households that are actively engaged in the different components of these systems, particularly in developing countries. Efforts are underway to redress the negative impacts of the pandemic through investments to ‘build back better’. These efforts represent an enormous opportunity to make significant and lasting contribution to the longer-term resilience and sustainability of agrifood systems in the context of climate change. The objective of this report is to provide an overview of the current opportunities for harnessing short-term response and recovery efforts to address longer-term impacts on resilience and sustainability. The analysis focuses on the role of climate-smart agriculture (CSA) in recovery strategies and outlines concrete policy objectives that can be implemented by national governments and their development partners. The report is structured in two parts. The first part outlines the nature of the challenges presented by climate change and COVID-19, their interrelationships, and the potential role CSA can play in addressing these interrelated challenges. The second part of the report outlines a set of policy options for enabling post-pandemic recovery efforts to contribute to longer-term resilience of agrifood systems through investments in CSA and associated enabling conditions.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Climate technologies for agrifood systems transformation
    Placing food security, climate change and poverty reduction at the forefront
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    The global community has committed to responding to climate change while ensuring decent livelihoods and healthy food for everyone, keeping within planetary boundaries. Transforming agrifood systems is essential to meeting these challenges, with climate response being an intrinsic element. The need for more resilient systems that can sustain increasing demands in a setting of tightening constraints is evident. Resilience must be generated across environmental, social and economic domains, all the while maintaining the economic viability of agrifood systems to ensure that transition occurs in a just and fair manner. Climate technologies are a key enabler to support climate action and the sustainable transition of agrifood systems.The report highlights the needs for robust technology assessments to underpin climate technology identification for agrifood systems transformation that addresses all stages of agrifood value chains. This needs to be supported by capacity-building programmes, targeted financing and fed into the ongoing climate policy process. The capacity-building strategy and efforts are to be tied to the technology assessments, and identify suitable and correct skill sets, especially for smallholders and vulnerable segments of the population.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Loss and damage and agrifood systems
    Addressing gaps and challenges
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    Agrifood systems are intrinsically linked to climate change and are particularly vulnerable to its impacts. Each year hundreds of billions of dollars’ worth of crops and livestock production is lost due to disaster events, undermining hard-won development gains and livelihoods for farmers. At the same time, agrifood systems are substantial contributors of emissions. As such, agrifood systems must play a central role in providing solutions for climate change – both adaptation and mitigation – while meeting the food security needs of present and future generations. The communities that support and depend on agrifood systems are on the front line of loss and damage associated with climate change. Loss and damage can generally be described as the negative impact of climate change that occurs despite mitigation and adaptation efforts. Addressing loss and damage in the agrifood system is crucial, given its importance for livelihoods and sustainable development. Taking collective action is essential to tackle loss and damage in agrifood systems to ensure that the livelihoods of the most vulnerable communities are adequately protected and food security needs are met. The purpose of this report is to stimulate discussions on the central role of agrifood systems in the loss and damage debate and identify the gaps in data, knowledge and finance that need to be addressed. The report provides an overview of the loss and damage concept, the status of analytical methodologies and tools, a summary of the reporting on loss and damage in nationally determined contributions (NDCs), an outline of the policy needs and some preliminary analysis of the financing needs. Overall, support to countries needs to be targeted and strengthened so that loss and damage in agrifood systems can be dealt with as early as possible. This support needs to ensure that no one is left behind while striving for better production, better nutrition, a better environment and a better life.

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