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Informal Food Distribution Sector

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    A distributed architecture for harvesting metadata describing organizations in the agriculture sector 2007
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    Providing easy access to updated, accurate and semantically meaningful information about organizations working in the agriculture sector is of primary importance in agricultural information management. Many databases of these organizations already exist but none are comprehensive and all differ in coverage (often overlapping), semantic organization, being up-to-date, quantity and quality of the information they provide. In addition, only very few information systems share and exchange data among themselves. This paper describes a distributed architecture which minimizes duplication in information storage and flow and improves quality of the information provided. In this architecture the data describing an organization are stored in a file as an XML description based on a specific metadata set, and access to these distributed files is facilitated by a central registry file. The proposed metadata set is also discussed, with special focus on those aspects that help to make the architectur e coherent.
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    Phase II: Ice production and distribution system for the small-scale fisheries sector in Timor-Leste 2011
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    The international consultant that RFLP engaged to conduct a feasibility study for the introduction of ice production and distribution in Timor-Leste, following pilot scale ice production and distribution, then developed a second phase proposal for an ice production and distribution system which was to be submitted to donors for funding consideration

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