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Book (series)Report of the seventy-fifth session of the Executive Committee of the Asia-Pacific Fishery Commission (APFIC) 2014
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No results found.This document presents the final report of the seventy-fifth session of the Executive Committee of the Asia-Pacific Fishery Commission (APFIC) held in Colombo, Sri Lanka from 11 to 13 November 2014. The Committee’s main function is to direct the conduct of business and affairs of the Commission between its biennial sessions and provide advice to the secretariat. The Executive Committee made a number of recommendations based on the inter-sessional activities related to: a) monitoring of trends an d issues, b) aquaculture intensification and its contribution to blue growth, c) culture-based fisheries and fishery enhancements and d) capacity building. The Commission also discussed budget matters and incorporation of the FAO initiative on Blue Growth in the APFIC work plan. Conclusions and recommendations of the deliberations are contained in the report. -
MeetingReport of the Seventy-sixth Executive Committee Meeting. Asia-Pacific Fishery Commission Thirty-fifth session (APFIC)
Cebu, the Philippines, 11-13 May 2018
2018Also available in:
No results found.The Executive Committee reviewed the inter-sessional activities under the biennial APFIC work plan and provided input to the organization of the 35th Session and 7th RCFM. The Executive Committee also made additional recommendations on the work plan and on administrative and budgetary matters. -
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