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Working Paper 4: Fisheries and Aquaculture

Formulation and Operationalization of National Action Plan for Poverty Alleviation and Rural Development through Agriculture (NAPA)

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    GEF 7 Ideas note for fisheries and aquaculture. Thirty-fifth session of the Asia-Pacific Fishery Commission (APFIC)
    Cebu, the Philippines, 11-13 May 2018
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    Through the Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries and Aquaculture management process, FAO will provide the structured and participatory processes to enable governments, fishery value chain actors, NGO and fisheries- and aquaculture-dependent communities to identify and prioritize risks to ecosystem well-being, human well-being and enabling governance and to identify the changes required to meet their long-term goals. The EAF/EAA provides stakeholders with the tools to implement agreed-upon actions and to monitor and evaluate the impacts of management actions on their fisheries and aquaculture objectives.
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    The Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries with special reference to inland fisheries and aquaculture development. Paper presented at the tenth session of the Committee for Inland Fisheries of Africa. Akosombo, Ghana, 24-27 November 1997 1997
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    This paper discusses the background and steps taken by FAO and other organizations to support the implementation of the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries, with particular reference to inland fisheries and aquaculture development. Inland fisheries are a special case in terms of management because of their multi-purpose use regimes and also because of the many strategies in the use of inland waters for fisheries. These situations impact on the approach to be adopted in terms of the Code. F AO is elaborating specific guidelines for inland fisheries, that would address the critical management and production issues of the sub-sector. The inland fisheries guidelines together with other guidelines that have been published or are being developed as well as the FAO/World Bank. Strategy for the implementation and monitoring of the Code should assist States and the civil society as a whole with the effective and expeditious implementation of the Code. Members of the Committee are invited t o report on their national experiences in implementing the Code and to provide other advice regarding reporting on inland fisheries and aquaculture in the region. The Committee is also requested to collaborate with the pre-testing of the questionnaire for monitoring the implementation of the Code.
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    Book (series)
    Report of and papers presented at the Regional Workshop on Networking for Improved Access to Fisheries and Aquaculture Information in Africa. Grahamstown, South Africa, 3–7 November 2003. / Rapport de et documents présentés à l’Atelier régional sur le renforcement du réseau pour l’accès à l’information sur la pêche et l'aquaculture en Afrique. Grahamstown, Afrique du Sud, 3-7 novembre 2003. 2004
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    This document contains the Report and papers presented at the Regional Workshop on Networking for Improved Access to Fisheries and Aquaculture Information in Africa, which was held in Grahamstown, South Africa, from 3 to 7 November 2003. Eighteen participants from Ghana, Guinea, Kenya, Malawi, Mauritania, Nigeria, Seychelles and South Africa attended the Workshop and presented papers. Fisheries library networking activities were reviewed as a basis for planning future collaboration to improve ac cess to fisheries information and to promote information resources sharing. The summary of priority issues includes improved dissemination of African fisheries publications, full-text online fisheries journals, open source software, network focal points, the use of standard methodologies to enhance information exchange and technology for document delivery. The long-term goal of the network is to strengthen the information capacity at national fisheries institutions in Africa.

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