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Brochure, flyer, fact-sheetSyrian Arab Republic | Project update
Building resilience of the crisis-affected vulnerable farmers and herders
2021Also available in:
No results found.The ongoing crisis in the Syrian Arab Republic has resulted in a continuing deterioration of the humanitarian situation. In response, with Kuwait's generous funding the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations implemented project OSRO/SYR/908/KUW, entitled "Building resilience of the crisis-affected vulnerable farmers and herders" The overall objective of the project is to strengthen the resilience of crisis-affected people and their communities, and improve their food security and nutrition. -
Brochure, flyer, fact-sheetSyrian Arab Republic: Humanitarian Needs and Response Plan 2024 2024
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No results found.Thirteen years of conflict and an enduring economic crisis in the Syrian Arab Republic continue to drive humanitarian needs, disrupt agriculture and weaken the country’s food production capacity. The situation worsened significantly after the earthquakes of February 2023. Inflation, high food prices and a declining economy have pushed more than half of the population into acute food insecurity, with millions more at risk. The resulting increased cost of humanitarian response emphasizes the need for cost-effective solutions. Investing in emergency agricultural assistance is crucial. For example, every USD 1 invested in local wheat production yields around four times its value in food produced. -
Book (series)Evaluation of the project “Supporting emergency needs, early recovery and longer-term resilience in the Syrian Arab Republic’s agriculture sector 2017–2020"
Project code: OSRO/SYR/708/UK
2023Also available in:
No results found.The project aimed to increase food availability for vulnerable households through improved smallholder production, build sustainable access to productive assets, income and food supply, and foster an enabling environment for resilience building and agriculture sector recovery. This is the first project of its kind for FAO Syrian Arab Republic, moving away from delivery of purely humanitarian support to implementation of more longer-term resilience building activities. It was an ambitious project combining humanitarian and resilience building activities. The operational context in which it was implemented was extremely challenging. FAO needs to consolidate its support to communities by selecting specific value chains and adopting an area-based approach in which multiple activities can be layered upon each other leading to more sustainable outcomes. In order to maintain its rightful leadership role of the Food Security Cluster, further investment is needed in coordination at the whole of the Syrian Arab Republic and hub levels.
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