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Brochure, flyer, fact-sheetInternational Seminar on ‘Improving Collection and Use of Data on the Socioeconomic Benefits from Forests and Trees’ 2016
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No results found.As detailed in FAO’s State of the World’s Forests (SOFO) 2014, forests and trees contribute in multiple ways to human welfare. However, quantifying these socioeconomic benefits remains a challenge. Harmonized methodologies are needed to generate consistent and reliable forest-related socioeconomic statistics to enable time-series analysis to enhance the understanding of how forests and trees contribute to sustainable development. Efforts are therefore essential to strengthen the assessment of th eir socioeconomic contributions more completely and reliably so that they could be better convincing and visible to key decision makers. -
Brochure, flyer, fact-sheetImproving Data on Socioeconomic Benefits from Forests: Developing Survey Instruments for National-Level Application 2016
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No results found.Contributions of forests and other environmental resources to household welfare could be large, as revealed by many case studies. Yet, systematically measurements at national scale remains incipient (FAO, 2014). Such data are needed to reliably demonstrate how these contributions link to higher level policy targets, such as the Sustainable Development Goals. Read also the State of the World’s Forests 2014. Enhancing the Socioeconomic Benefits f rom Forests. -
MeetingWorkshop 1, session 4 - Socio-economic data for drylands monitoring the living standards measurement study – Integrated surveys on agriculture
Drylands Monitoring Week 19-23 January 2015, FAO HQ, Rome
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