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Seed legislation

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    Status of seed legislation and policies in the Asia-Pacific region 2020
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    The vast majority of the world’s food crops are annuals that are grown from seed sown at the start of each production season. The quality of that seed is a key determinant of production. Farmers cannot easily observe the quality or identity of seed at the point of sale, which creates a risk on the part of the farmer. With the development of the commercial seed trade and the increasing number of varieties during the 20th century it became important to reduce this risk. This led to the formulation of laws and regulations intended to protect farmers and increase agricultural productivity through the adoption of modern varieties. The commercial seed industry has grown rapidly in Asia over recent years and these laws should be reviewed to ensure that they reflect recent developments in both technology and trade. In practice, the progress of this updating varies widely across the region; some countries have completed, some are working on it now, while others have not yet started. The purpose of this study is to review the current status of seed legislation in countries of the Asia-Pacific region, to share experiences and to make recommendations for future development of the seed sector in a way that serves the best interests of farmers and society as a whole.
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    Support to the Improvement of the National Seed, Plant Variety Protection and Phytosanitary Legislation in Uzbekistan - TCP/UZB/3602 2020
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    The Government of Uzbekistan recognizes the importance of agriculture for enhancing national food security and strengthening the rural economy. Half of the country’s population lives in rural areas, and reducing the gap between urban and rural livelihoods is an important component in maintaining social stability. Agriculture has considerable potential for development, particularly in the production of cereals, potatoes and high-value vegetable crops to supply the growing domestic market and for export. In this regard, it was important to improve national legislation to facilitate trade. It was also necessary to promote and maintain an efficient and sustainable seed sector that would meet the needs of farmers, ruraldevelopment, and the national economy. In addition, there was an urgent need to establish collaborative initiatives to prevent the introduction and spread of quarantine pests in the country. Limited knowledge of modern plant protection methods and the absence of technically justified phytosanitary measures were serious constraints in Uzbekistan’s phytosanitary system, owing to a lack of experienced and trained personnel, as well as a shortage of modern equipment and communication means. Considering the above, the Ministry of Agriculture (MoA) requested that FAO provide assistance to improve national seed and phytosanitary legislation, and strengthen national capacities in plant health and trade facilitation.
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