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Impacts of co-management approach in influencing cognitive behavior of stakeholders in conserving the Sundarbans mangrove forest

XV World Forestry Congress, 2-6 May 2022

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    Does co-management in Bangladesh a solution for vertical linkage between the local stakeholders and government for ensuring forest governance for climate mitigation?
    XV World Forestry Congress, 2-6 May 2022
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    Bangladesh is a developing country with high population density. The forest cover of Bangladesh is blessed with rich biodiversity. Besides, forests provide us every necessary product. So, conservation of existing forest resources is essential for meeting our daily needs and as well as mitigating climate change effect and adaptation efforts. Management of existing forest resources is not an easy task because there exists always an implementation problem since the very beginning. In the past the forest areas of Bangladesh were managed by the Forest Department (FD) through traditional forest management practices. But, in today’s time the fluffiest scenario has been converted. Now a days people-oriented approaches are getting popularity for their effective results. Co-management in protected areas is considered being one of the effective approaches. As local community have priority in this approach for taking decisions with the other relevant stakeholders so, strong vertical linkage between the local stakeholders and the government is needed for ensuring fruitful conservation efforts. Otherwise, conflicts will be arrived in different phases of management. This paper focuses on analysis of the present condition of forest co-management approach in Bangladesh, to identify the multiple actors and institutions of co-management and to show how co-management can be a solution for ensuring vertical linkage between the stakeholders and the government such as; the participation of local community in decision making creates links with the state actors. These fundamental issues are illustrated with observations on resource co-management in some Protected Areas (PA) of Bangladesh. This study demonstrates the form of vertical interplays and determines its contribution to provide guideline for entire community participation, Proper policy implementation. Keywords: Climate change, Governance ID: 3486780
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    Development of criteria and indicators for sustainable mangrove forest management: Experiences in three mangrove ecosystems in the Philippines
    XV World Forestry Congress, 2-6 May 2022
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    The Philippines’ coastline measuring about 36,000 km is home to mangroves which play an important role in fisheries, forestry, and wildlife production. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Environment Program defines mangroves as forest that occurs on tidal flats bordering coastal areas and along the mouths of rivers where water is brackish. Through the years, the area of mangrove forests has dwindled due to deforestation and other anthropogenic activities. Thus, the need for their rehabilitation and sustainable management is a very important concern. Recognizing this, the Socio-economic Team of the ASEAN-Korea Environmental Cooperation Project from the Philippines conducted research on the development of a set of Criteria and Indicators (C & I) for sustainable mangrove forest resources management. The C & I for mangroves were adapted from the C & I for Sustainable Forest Resources Management of the Philippines’ Forest Management Bureau. The research involved an assessment of the C & I for their applicability and adaptability to mangrove forests. The C & I covered the following criteria: 1) Enabling conditions for sustainable mangrove forest management, 2) Extent and condition of mangrove forests, 3) Mangrove ecosystem health, 4) Forest production, 5) Biological diversity, 6) Coastal resources protection, and 7) Economic, social, and cultural aspects. These criteria covered 35 indicators. The proposed C & I were field validated through focus group discussion (FGD) with selected members of the people’s organizations in the local communities and key informant interview (KII) with the Department of Environment and Natural Resources personnel. The study was conducted in Padre Burgos, Quezon; Puerto Princesa City, Palawan; and Getafe, Bohol. The results revealed that the FGD and KII respondents perceived the applicability and importance of the C & I in maintaining the sustainability of the mangrove resources in these areas. Keywords: criteria and indicators, mangroves, forest management ID:3485981
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    Conservation of green blue carbon ecosystem: Local perceptions and awareness on mangrove forest
    XV World Forestry Congress, 2-6 May 2022
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    Management of blue carbon ecosystems including mangrove and seagrass beds is necessary to reduce the global carbon emissions and mitigate the impacts of climate change, in addition to the managements of terrestrial forest ecosystem. The scheme of the REDD+, which is Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation, plus the sustainable management of forests, and the conservation and enhancement of forest carbon stocks, has been used for the managements of different types of forests and related ecosystems. The concepts of REDD+ can be applied for the blue carbon ecosystems. In recent academic literatures, the discussion of the application of REDD+ is increasing, considering the characteristics of the management of blue carbon ecosystems. The management of blue carbon ecosystems need the various stakeholders’ collaboration, because they are in the border of different ecosystems including terrestrial and coastal ones, where different types of livelihoods and industries co-exist. To identify the status of discussions of REDD+ for blue carbon ecosystems, literature review on REDD+ and blue carbon ecosystem management was conducted by using quantitative text mining approaches. Regarding the local perceptions and awareness on mangrove forest, a case study in the Philippines was conducted. In concrete terms, household surveys to the locals in Eastern Samar were implemented to identify their perceptions and awareness. The analysis result can contribute to science-policy interface by providing the following information; resource utilization, level of awareness on ecosystem services and existing management plans, and perceptions on natural and anthropogenic threats. It reveals that social demography and level of awareness of the locals are factors which influence status of utilization of mangrove ecosystem services. Those result can be used as an evidence of policy making and facilitate the application of conservation schemes considering the local context of the study site. Keywords: blue carbon ecosystems; REDD+; perceptions; local stakeholders; conservation ID: 3486787

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