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Funding digital transformation of land administration

FAO and FIG. 2022. Funding digital transformation of land administration. Investment brief. Rome, FAO.

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    Book (stand-alone)
    Digital transformation and land administration
    Sustainable practices from the UNECE region and beyond
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    The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the digital transformation of land administration. Online services were embraced. Working at distance became the new normal. Spatial and other information on tenure rights found new users and increased demand. This publication shares how land administration organizations responded to the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic. Most cases are drawn from the UNECE region, however, a broader perspective is also provided. The disrupted era that land administration systems must now operate within is revealed. The pressing demand for digital transformation is shown. Digital transformation ensures ongoing system sustainability and responsiveness to changing societal demands. The publication also exposes the challenges of undertaking digital transformation. Ensuring inclusion of women and vulnerable groups is critical. No one can be left behind. Pathways for digital transformation implementation and benefits realisation are offered. Cross-cutting themes including institutional development, legislative redesign, financing, quality management, open data, cybersecurity, standards creation and uptake, partnership building, communications, and capacity development are all unpacked.
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    Policy brief
    Transforming agriculture with digital automation 2022
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    The adoption of digital automation technologies in agriculture has been slow despite its potential to enhance the precision of agricultural operations, improve working conditions, and address environmental challenges, while building resilience to shocks and stresses. Most technologies are still relatively new and costly, especially for low- and middle-income countries, where poor connectivity and energy supply, and limited human capacity further hinder adoption. Incentivizing uptake requires creating a conducive business environment and suiting technologies to local conditions, especially for small-scale agriculture.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    The Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure (VGGT) - Popular version for communal land administration 2021
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    The VGGT Popular Version for Communal Land Administration was developed to support the Parliament of Namibia in delivering training to traditional authorities and regional institutions to enhance their capacity to administer communal land within their jurisdictions. This was carried out in line with the Communal Land Reform Act, Act 5 of 2002 and the resolutions of the 2nd National Land Conference. The Popular Version outlines 14 pertinent land governance issues in Namibia’s communal areas. These issues which were validated by the MAWLR are discussed briefly and followed by identifying key messages of the VGGT that are relevant within the context of communal land administration in Namibia.

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