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Strengthening Myanmar’s National Forest Monitoring Capacities - TCP/MYA/3501

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    Strengthening Forest Monitoring Capacity in India - TCP/IND/3503 2019
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    Understanding changes to forest resources is key to developingeffective national and international environmental policies.Consequently, the need to develop forest monitoring capacities isgrowing. In India, ongoing forest degradation is a serious challenge,which is further complicated by the lack of reliable monitoring andassessment of the growing stock of trees at the state level.This project aimed at addressing the critical gaps in India’s forestrysector and supporting the development, implementation andutilization of the proposed National Forest Monitoring System (NFMS).Based on a series of commissioned studies, the frameworks necessaryfor critical, integrated and comprehensive assessments of the impactsof different forestry sector actions in the six pilot states weredeveloped, and appropriate strategies and policies forthe development of the Indian forestry sector were formulated.
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    Strengthening Evidence-Based Forest Policy-Making. Linking Forest Monitoring with National Forest Programmes 2014
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    This paper proposes an approach to assist countries in ensuring that NFM planning more strongly meets the needs and demands of forest-related national policy processes. The approach is based on an understanding that there is a multiplicity of issues and legitimate interests related to forests that require multipurpose information systems. The approach is also based on the following two assumptions: 1) that the technical, financial and administrative design of an NFM system is based on the inform ation needs and user requirements of various policy processes and stakeholders; and 2) that strong stakeholder involvement is needed at all stages of NFM planning and implementation.
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    Strengthening National Forest Monitoring Systems for REDD+ 2018
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    The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has been providing support to member countries on national forest monitoring for decades. Best practices and lessons learned from this support are summarized in FAO´s Voluntary guidelines on national forest monitoring (VGNFM). The guidelines provide principles, elements and best practices for the establishment and implementation of a multipurpose National Forest Monitoring System (NFMS). The aim of this paper is to strengthen the elements and guidelines provided in the VGNFM in the context of Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+). It also includes a deeper analysis of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change decisions and the most recent methodological recommendations provided by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, focusing on the three pillars of an NFMS for REDD+: a Satellite Land Monitoring System, a National Forest Inventory, and REDD+ reporting, including the combination of remote-sensing and ground-based forest inventory to estimate anthropogenic forest related Greenhouse Gas emissions by sources and removals by sinks.

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