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Aide-memoire: Promoting socially inclusive rural development in Europe and Central Asia—Action for the 2030 Agenda

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    Promoting socially inclusive social development in Europe and Central Asia: Action for the 2030 Agenda 2018
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    This Report summarizes the experience of high-level Regional Conference Promoting socially inclusive rural development in Europe and Central Asia: Action for the 2030 Agenda, held by the Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia (REU) of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), with the support of the European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE), in Vilnius, Lithuania on 30 January – 1 February 2017. The objectives of the regional conference were 1) to provide a platform for discussion about the ways in which policies and practices in the areas of rural development, agriculture, natural resource management and climate change can be made more inclusive, so that the 2030 Agenda can be fully implemented according to its core principle of leaving no one behind; and 2) to review and learn from the good practices found within gender-responsive rural development, agriculture, natural resource management and climate change in the context of the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals, in order to become equipped with this knowledge and generate ideas for the next steps. The conference brought together more than 60 participants (41 women and 21 men) from more than 20 countries of Europe and Central Asia, representing government agencies, civil society, academia, and private sector, UN Women, the European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE) and FAO.
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    Food and agriculture Key to Achieving the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in Europe and Central Asia 2019
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    This publication presents FAO's work in support of the achievement of the SDGs in Europe and Central Asia. Featuring selected country case studies across the region, it describes how FAO and partners are already supporting countries to achieve multiple SDGs targets through current project and programmes. This publication is in line with the SDG brochure produced by HQ (Food and Agriculture key to achieving the 2030 agenda for sustainable development). However, there was a need to have a targeted publication on the Europe and Central Asia region to raise awareness on the importance of food and agriculture for SDG achievement and on how FAO's work is already contributing to the SDGs (providing concrete country examples). This is the specific value added of the brochure. Considering that the publication addresses all the SDGs, it contributes to all the Strategic Objectives. It will be promoted in all the regional events, including ERC, ECA and Informal Consultations with member States, as well as in a number of national technical workshops.

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