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Year of publication 2015
Pages 4p.
Publisher FAO ;
Product type Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
Edition 1
Synopsis (short abstract) Food security has multiple dimensions – availability, access, utilization and stability. Eradicating hunger requires policy action that addresses all four dimensions. Depending on the specific context, actions may be required to increase productivity, promote rural development and incomes, strengthen social protection mechanisms, improve infrastructure and invest in education and health. These multiple actions involve a variety of stakeholders, who often have diverging views and goals. The chall enge is to improve stakeholders’ coordination to enhance the effectiveness of actions to promote food security and nutrition. Such coordination requires an enabling environment that creates incentives for all stakeholders and empowers them to participate in policy formulation and implementation. The Committee on World Food Security (CFS) promotes such an enabling environment.
Language English
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