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Book (stand-alone)Towards sustainable forest management: an examination of the technical, economic and institutional feasibility of improving management of the global forest estate.
An examination of the technical, economic and institutional feasibility of improving management of the global forest estate
1999Also available in:
No results found.This working paper seeks to define sustainable forest management(SFM) in terms of how different management objectives should be balanced and the spatial and temporal dimensions involved. The technical feasibility of SFM is discussed with reference to experiences in different regions. Its financial and institutional feasibility is also covered with regard to factors leading to market and policy failure. International aid to the forest sector is analyzed according to how it can contribute to the s ustainable management of different forest types. -
Book (stand-alone)Forest management in temperate and boreal forests: current practices and the scope for implementing sustainable forest management
Current practices and the scope for implementing sustainable forest management
1999Also available in:
No results found.An overview of the state of forest management, silviculture and harvesting in temperate and boreal forests. Technical constraints and opportunities to achieveing sustainable management are outlined along with other obstacles originating outside the sector. -
No Thumbnail AvailableBook (stand-alone)Research on environmentally sound forest practices to sustain tropical forests 1996
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