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Book (series)Proceedings of the Expert Consultation to Examine changes in abundance and species composition of neritic fish resources. San José, Costa Rica, 18-29 April 1983 / Actas de la Consulta de Expertos para examinar los cambios en la abundancia y composición por especies de recursos de peces neríticos. San José, Costa Rica, 18-29 abril 1983 1983
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Book (series)Proceedings of the Expert Consultation examine changes in abundance and species composition of neritic fish resources. San José, Costa Rica, 19-29 April 1983 / Actas de la Consulta de Expertos para examinar los cambios en la abundancia y composición por especies de recursos de peces neríticos. San José, Costa Rica, 18-29 abril 1983 1983
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No results found.While reviewing and editing these proceedings for publication we realized that we should include a brief statement of the present position of the investigations in fisheries and fisheries related science. This, we agreed, was necessary because of the distinctive and numerous specialized subjects that are dealt with in the papers included in these proceedings. We thought that any reader might benefit from a comparison of the past and present situation, and perhaps therefore obta in a better perspective on where or in which directions fishery research should be going. Several names of well known fishery scientists come to mind who might provide the critical, yet positive messages about what had or had not been done in the past, what needed attention now and perhaps directions to take in the future. To our surprise and satisfaction we found these kinds of messages clearly stated in an existing text. The following excerpts were even alre ady available under a chapter headed, “Review of the Present Position of Investigations”: “The study of methodically collected material, embracing a period of many years, has demonstrated the existence of an intimate relation between the fluctuations in the numerical value of the stock of fish and the yield of the great fisheries… -
Book (series)Informes de la Consulta de Expertos para examinar los cambios en la abundancia y composición por especies de recursos de peces neríticos. San José, Costa Rica, 18–29 de abril de 1983.
Reunión preparatoria para la Conferencia Mundial de la FAO sobre Ordenación y Desarrollo Pesqueros
1985There is a high degree of uncertainty in dealing with varying neritic fish resources. It is difficult to establish national development policies based on contributions from an unstable fishing sector and long-term objectives can hardly be achieved unless a management strategy can be developed to cope with this variability. More flexibility needs to be introduced in the fishery sector to allow its adaptation to resource changes, and these and the causal environmental processes need to be properly monitored. Some of the problems and alternatives associated with exploitation, research and management of fluctuating fisheries are discussed.
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