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Improving Policy for Veterinary Laboratories in Kenya

Stakeholders Consultation Meeting, 29th – 30thJanuary 2015, Naivasha, Kenya

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    Laboratory mapping tool training for the Pacific Island countries and the laboratory mapping tool assessment for the Fiji veterinary pathology laboratory and biosecurity authority of Fiji 2023
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    The FAO LMT training for the six Pacific countries; Cook Islands, Tonga, Samoa, Fiji, Solomon Islands and Vanuatu and the FAO LMT assessment of the Fiji laboratories; Fiji Veterinary Pathology Laboratory and biosecurity authority of Fiji, were part of the technical support under TCP/SAP/3802 “Strengthening capacities to improve animal health and enhance livestock production in the Pacific region”. This project included the assessment of disease surveillance, communication and reporting capacities and the laboratory capacity of animal health and production services for the six Pacific countries. The detailed report on laboratory and surveillance capacity for the six Pacific countries is included in the end of assignment report on the information gathered from meetings with the stake holders in animal health and production services in each country and included public health laboratory participants.
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    Transboundary animal diseases (TADs) including zonooses are highly contagious epidemic diseases that can spread extremely rapidly, irrespective of national borders. Controlling infectious diseases of animals, and minimizing their impact on countries’ economies and livelihoods of people is crucial. Veterinary laboratories can play a critical role in the early detection of new or re-emerging animal diseases, as well as in the fight against endemic diseases and in addressing complex issues at the h uman-animal-environment interface.
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    Building veterinary laboratory diagnostic capacity in Africa: the VETLAB Network
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    TRANSBOUNDARY ANIMAL DISEASES and those animal diseases that affect human health have a strong impact on public health, community livelihoods, and trade. In this context, the VETLAB Network offers a unique opportunity for countries facing similar challenges to work together and better coordinate activities, including training, information dissemination, expertise and experience exchange, and the design of common disease control strategies.

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