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DocumentFood and agriculture policy decisions - Trends, emerging issues and policy alignments since the 2007/08 food security crisis 2013
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No results found.The report reviews a broad range of food security and agricultural development policy decisions implemented over the period 2007 to 2012 in more than 70 countries in Asia, Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean. Selected policy decisions were analysed following FAPDA’s classification, dividing policy decisions into three main categories: producer-oriented policies, consumer-oriented policies, as well as trade-oriented and macroeconomic policies. Policy decisions reviewed included those most deb ated and most frequently implemented since the 2007/08 food price crisis. The report finds that the initial responses to the crisis tended to address immediate food security concerns with short-term, ad-hoc measures. Over the following years however, policy decisions reflected a more long-term and institutionalized approach. Governments are gradually moving from universal subsidies for food and fuel towards more targeted interventions to reach vulnerable and food insecure households. Moreo ver, a growing number of countries have shifted from short-term, ad-hoc cash or food-based interventions towards mainstreaming and institutionalizing social safety net programmes. The initial trade response was to ban or restrict exports and increase imports in efforts to achieve domestic food availability, measures which have since relaxed in support of producers. Also, Countries are increasingly establishing public food reserves to protect domestic supply in times of crisis. We also see a high degree of policy integration at the national level. However, protective trade policies at national levels have contradicted the efforts of regional food security and policy harmonization advocated by many regional economic communities. -
Book (stand-alone)Public food stockholding
A review of policies and practices
2021Also available in:
The paper investigates the basics of public stockholding, exploring the objectives of such programmes, the policy instruments used to achieve them, and their possible market impacts. It also synthesizes country experiences in implementing public stockholding programmes in different regions and presents the evolution of administered and international prices over the last decade. Finally, the paper highlights the main elements of the WTO negotiations on public stockholding for food security, and some of the issues that need to be resolved to help achieve consensus in this area. -
Report and papers of an FAO Symposiumheld at Geneva on 23 - 24 September 1999. Vol. 1 Issues and options.
2000As part of its mandate to provide assistance to member countries for the follow-up to the Uruguay Round and future negotiations on agriculture, FAO has pursued a wide range of activities with a view to enhancing the capacity of member countries, particularly developing countries, to analyse the implications of the Uruguay Round Agreements for the agricultural sector, to adjust to the new trading environment and thus take advantage of trading opportunities, and to participate effectively in futur e multilateral trade negotiations. The 1996 World Food Summit Plan of Action commits FAO to continue assisting developing countries on trade issues and in particular
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