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MeetingGlobal Soil Partnership International Workshop. Soil Spectroscopy: the present and future of Soil Monitoring. Agenda
4-6 December 2013, Rome, Italy
2013Also available in:
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Book (series)Regional fishery bodies and governance: issues, actions and future directions. 2000
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No results found.More than thirty regional fishery bodies or arrangements (RFBs) have been established during this century, including fourteen since the adoption of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea in 1982. They have been constituted as either an advisory or a regulatory body. There are many other differences among them, including their mandate, functions, powers, budgets and membership. They are well positioned to contribute to the management of a resource which is mobile and requires coopera tion and collaboration among States. However, it is recognized that because of the state of the worlds fisheries, in most cases present systems of fisheries governance have failed to ensure resource conservation and economic efficiency. An increased international focus on governance in regional fishery bodies or arrangements has been emerging since 1997 when the FAO Conference adopted Resolution 13/97, which required a systematic and specific review of each FAO statutory bodies. The review in tu rn could promote the restructuring of the bodies, revision of the mandate and undertaking of more financial responsibilities by member countries. It would also allow FAO to examine whether the reasons which led to the establishment of the bodies were still valid. Reviews have been conducted accordingly, and this has led to an ongoing process of reform in FAO RFBs and increased attention to effective governance in all RFBs. A High Level Panel of Fisheries Experts considered fisheries governance i n RFBs in 1998, and this led to the convening by FAO of the historic first meeting of FAO and non-FAO RFBs in February 1999. A second meeting will take place in 2000. This paper reviews the above developments and outlines current issues of governance in RFBs. These issues are then related to specific areas of management conservation of resources, control of catches and effort, fleet capacity, bycatch and discards, information and data collection, analysis and dissemination, .......
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