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MeetingMultilateral evaluation of the Desert Locust upsurge 2003–2005: Summary
Meeting report
2006Also available in:
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MeetingMultilateral evaluation of the Desert Locust upsurge 2003–2005: Annexes
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DocumentMultilateral evaluation of the 2003-2005 desert locust control campaign 2007Countering locust emergencies has been an important role of FAO since 1951 when the Desert Locust Control Committee (DLCC) was established. FAO coordinates Desert Locust forecasting based on reports received from national locust units and weather information, and in the case of an outbreak coordinates an international response. Specific services provided by FAO to combat desert locust upsurges include: a forum for discussing policies, strategies, and plans; gathering of information for regular b ulletins and early warnings; strengthening national locust control units and promoting collaboration at the regional level; declaring Desert Locust emergencies, organizing international assistance and providing technical advice and other support for control activities.
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